My granddaughter is just turning 5 in late September and started kindergarden last week. She is very, very bright but socially behind, very shy. She is totally bored at home (new baby and mom is suddenly busy with baby - think she also is feeling a little left out) and has not friends close by to play with. The first day did not go to bad but it has gone down hill from there. She is waking up crying during the night, begging her parents (my daughter) to please don't make her go, crying often during the day. My son-in-law and daughter are heart broken along with me and don't know what to do. Is this normal? How can we make it easier for her or should we have held her back a year. She has always been a home raised child so we felt this would be a very healthy thing for her. Please help - we are open to any and all suggestions from other parents. Thanks so much !
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