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All categories - 28 August 2006

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They call him "The oldest teenager"

2006-08-28 01:53:04 · 15 answers · asked by dudma 1 in Other - Arts & Humanities

if you love your freedoms, thank a veteran.

2006-08-28 01:52:57 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Ok I need help with spelling, and grammer. Does anyone know how to help me with my spelling problem? If so so thanks a bunch.

2006-08-28 01:52:55 · 13 answers · asked by Rain-- 3 in Other - Education

What is it that you collect?

I love collecting souvenir refrigerator magnets of places.

2006-08-28 01:52:49 · 11 answers · asked by lilac 3 in Polls & Surveys

why marriage ..?

2006-08-28 01:52:48 · 7 answers · asked by interested 4 in Other - Society & Culture

The room is rather small, the style is definitely different.

2006-08-28 01:52:42 · 4 answers · asked by pat b 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

after that night, i really can't forget how he touch me.i really like the feeling when he touch me,but i also gone through weird feeling.i mean when he touch and kiss me,i feel cold and hot and i know i really nervous and my hand don't know need to put where.i just feel want to hold him,but i also think wierd to do so.what should i do to let myself more relax for the next time?

2006-08-28 01:52:39 · 5 answers · asked by winnie 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

If so why? do you ask or answer questions with different personalities? or is it simply to boost points?
will any of you be answering twice?

2006-08-28 01:52:28 · 14 answers · asked by Ellie G 2 in Trivia

Can you like list the directions, plz???

2006-08-28 01:52:26 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Music

Isaiah said-"he will be exaulted, but first marred more than any man (did u see the Passion of 'Christ movie-bible based), and he will lay down his life, despised and rejected, to die as our passover lamb, and make atonement for our souls, and see his seed and prosper.
when i read how to be his seed as Psalm 22 the crucifixion chapter of david-talkin of Jesus the Messiahs seed after death-

Jesus stated "Behold i stand at your heart door and knock-Jew or gentile-If anyone prays and lets me in to deliver from sins, i will come in and become your friend."

so i prayed-Jesus im sorry for my sins, come into my heart and help me -be my friend, amen" now Jesus is my Messiah, savior and best friend-thanks for prayin too and share with my Jewish people the truth-write it down -go back in my questions for alot more messianic prophecies romans 1 v 16 and chapters 9-11 about israel and the gentiles and how to provoke to jealousy when u know Jesus personally thanks alot

2006-08-28 01:52:25 · 13 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I plugged the printer, already attached to my computer, up again It had previously been out of colored ink. Well I added ink cart. and followed directions as to what to do, got as far as printing a test page, from there thats all it will print is test page over and over. Ive got all things set right, such as, # of pages to print- 1,and all that, have even went through troubleshoot, went back and was sure it was still installed, had it to the point where i checked the box of the pictures i wanted printed, and all that and clicked print. it appeared to be print those pictures then, but each time its still the test page, even after i cancelled it from printing? PLEASE HELP, I really dont want to chunk my printer out the door!!!! : >

2006-08-28 01:52:20 · 4 answers · asked by Gena *n* GA. 2 in Other - Computers

Both of them should be Zapped. Or perhaps it is the same person in which case he is screwing himself. Or maybe it is herself.

2006-08-28 01:52:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Her energy level seems fine, but I think the heartworm pill upset her stomach / intestine. What are some ways to calm down a dog's stomach?

2006-08-28 01:52:15 · 8 answers · asked by JP 1 in Dogs

2006-08-28 01:51:56 · 15 answers · asked by Naazneen D 1 in Law & Ethics

the people that are gettin deported are the ones who usually cause the least amount of trouble and i've always found them to be hard working i understand keeping out potential threats

i mean hell just this morning i had a dream i was in a mall and i saw osama bin laden playing arcade games with his pet turtle

them mexicans aint never bombed nothin

2006-08-28 01:51:41 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

is there a one ticket that will suffice :three star hotel will be ok too.
an educated indian lady companion would be an icicng in the cake

2006-08-28 01:51:41 · 10 answers · asked by too much wisdom 1 in Other - India

Why is it okay for men to be super slutty; but not for women? I know it's okay to some guys; but a girl will accept it with guys then turn around and cut that girl down! Whats the deal?

2006-08-28 01:51:38 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-08-28 01:51:30 · 8 answers · asked by prasadc 2 in Skin & Body

1. If we use a light source in a double-slit experiment the output is an interference pattern.

2. Now instead of light source is a photon-gun is used which releases one photon at a time and we see the final output the final distribution "some how" produces pictures simliar to inteference pattern.

3. But now in the step-2 if an "intelligent observer" is introduced, the interference pattern does not occur and we just see the output as output seen with a normal gunshot shot from a gun.

Question: q1. what is the definition of "intelligent observer"?

q2. is cat/dog also considered "intelligent"?

q3.Is a 1 year old kid considered "intelligent"?

q4. In these experiment is the whole setup inside somekind of a closed box?

q5. what happens if a movie-camera is placed as an observer? is this considered an "intelligent observer" and what is the output?

2006-08-28 01:51:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics


I'm scheduled to be one of the ring girls this w/e at a fighting match here where I live. My bf found out a couple of his uncles are going to be there and now he's uptight about me doing it. I don't want to go back on this committment but I don't him mad at me. What should I do?

2006-08-28 01:51:14 · 4 answers · asked by Judy L 4 in Singles & Dating

need to remove wallpapers from desktop

2006-08-28 01:51:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Software

The deputy prime minister of palestine was kidnapped by the Israeli soldiers.. isnt that a lil bit too extreme dont you think for the Israeli government to do so just cos he is from Hamas. Isnt the ruling party of Palestine.. "Hamas" and that would also include the Prime Minister himself. Does that mean they are going to kidnap the prime minister too? Sounds a lil like a dictatorship to me dont u think, for a neighbouring country to kidnap all your leaders just cos they dont like your party.. even though it was elected by their ppl? What would they then do to this deputy prime minister? Would they use him as a bargain chip, or to blackmail the palestinian government.. or might they just brainwash him and let him go to rule palestine as an israeli puppet?

WOuld like ppl's opinion about this topic. dont lead the question astray pls.. decent answers only

2006-08-28 01:51:10 · 9 answers · asked by Ownerz 2 in Politics

brief history of tae kwon do

2006-08-28 01:50:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Martial Arts

{sort of his armpit} He does not appear uncomfortable and continues to run and play as usual. Is there anyway I can tell if this cyst is dangerous to his health?

2006-08-28 01:50:49 · 14 answers · asked by njneedsanswer 1 in Dogs

They think there always right and try to be tough.But deep inside there scared of life.

2006-08-28 01:50:48 · 15 answers · asked by Hea Dude ! 6 in Mental Health

i have asked some questions that should not offend anyone but they do
so i am classed as a racist
the questions start with
do YOU think
so i guess my question is why do people not read or see something that is not there because it suits their need too be offended
click on the d d and see the questions and then tell me

2006-08-28 01:50:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture


I'm looking for a SUV that can handle with dirt and sand!

The place for running this vehicle won't have many rocks... and will be plain... however... it will be sandy and dirty!

I just need a 4WD which can handles with 10,000 miles /yr (period: 2 yrs) for VIP safaris!

Please... give me some options... (and if possible, the price)

Tks, and have a nice day!

2006-08-28 01:50:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

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