He had the affair while him and my mother were having significant marital problems. They were separated when this happened. He just found out that he had an older daughter. She wants to get to know him, but this is just devastating to the entire family. I am the youngest of 6 children. I am 16. We are all very close in the family. My two brothers and two of my older sisters are being receptive to this person, Mary. I don't know what to make of it. One of my sisters, Becky, the oldest, wants nothing to do with Mary or my father. My father wants to get know her, but this could cost him my mother. She also stated he should try to build a relationship, but she may not be able to build one with Mary and leave to avoid him having to chose between them. I am the only child left at home. I know my parents love each other. I do not know how to help my parents. I want them to stay together, but I know it would be very difficult. Can you help me tell my parents how to handle this situation?
7 answers
asked by
April E