Harry Potter is a first year when the twins are ??? years? And same thing with age, he's, what, 12 or something when he arrives? How old are Fred and George? And if they're 2nd years, you think it would be okay for them to date first years? or if they're 3rd years to date 2nd years, so on... Also, since I'm writing a fanfic, I need your opinion:
The story is basically these two girls and a guy meet the twins and they all become best friends, and Voldemort killed one of the girls' father, blahblah, he didn't try to kill her so I'm not copying harry potter's the one who lived story, but Fred ends up working for Voldemort and ends up trying to kill the girl, as well, because Voldemort is all deadly and spiritish and not alive, because this is before Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone. -Gasps for breath-
Tell me what you thik and no flaming, purty please?
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