Enough, already.
Let's expand the possibilities, so we don't have to see that tired little three-letter word 174 times a day.
Thought starters:
STM - "Smiling To Myself"
BIG - "Breaking Into Grin"
CAYMAN - "Chuckling Audibly Yet Mostly Appearing Normal"
DTNTWMP - "Desperately Trying Not To Wet My Pants"
DTNTWMPWTL - "Desperately Trying Not To Wet My Pants, Whoops, Too Late"
GLTSTTLSBMBJWPAIOYADOH - "Guffawing Loudly Then Suddenly Trying To Look Serious Because My Boss Just Walked Past And I'm On Yahoo Answers During Office Hours"
ROTFLMAOSRTWAAIHNTSOTHPUMAOTFACSIBIPWTMNT ROTFLMAOEA - "Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A*s Off, Suddenly Realising That Without An A*s, I'd Have Nothing To Sit On, Then Hurriedly Picking Up My A*s Off The Floor And Carefully Supergluing It Back In Place While Telling Myself Never To ROTFLMAO Ever Again"
Best answer wins 10 points, and it's not the one that goes: 'LOL - make that 175 times - LOL!'...STM ; )
16 answers
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