i'm scared. what with the current state of events, israel, lebbanon and such, that there will be another world war soon. i'm also at the age that in 5 years i could be consindered for the draft. if things keep going this way, the war could break out in the next 5 years. we don't know how many nukes they have and most of us don't know how many WE have. the UN was unable to stop sadam hussien and the taliban without US intervention. we had a major problem before then bush dove into the hornets nest.(iraq) it also seems like with all the **** and corumption in soiciety, it might take WW3 to get us back to the culture of the 50s and 70s it won't be long before news networks will be picking up on this theory. this is all extremely scary. i personally will jump in and enlist if and when i need too. i want some educated opinions.
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