My girlfriend and I just broke up after 10 months. It wasnt so much a 'break up' but more of a realization that we're too different of people and she's going one way and me in another. Not too long ago, (Sunday) we got into a fight about how she was pushing me back and I was tired of waiting around for her because of her work-a-holic-ism. I told her how I felt - that I felt pushed aside. The next day, knowing if we talked more about it, it'd only get worse - of course we talked about it again... Soon I was truly hurt and offended when she said the words that I never thought I'd heard from her, "Maybe I shouldn't be in a serious relationship." I flew off the handle and yelled and said some things that I only said out of anger. We met up and we talked, I apologized, she said she forgave me and we went on our way, still the same. Except it wasnt the same. She brooded more on it and we broke up, I didnt even see her so I could try and reconcile with her. Now I'm heart broken. What do I do?
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Singles & Dating