My partner has severe pain in his tooth and on one side of his face. He had a root canal about a month ago and went to his regular dentist with the problem 2 days ago. They did an x-ray and nothing showed up. She re-did a filling & sent him home with some Keflex antibitotic and Viacaden. After he came back Tuesday afternoon his whole left side of his face had swollen where the work was done. He had a fever and severe pain, & also trouble and pain urinating. When our regular doctor was in yesterday, I took him in there he examined him and said he had a bacterial infection & gave him Biaxin (generic) and drew his blood. The blood test came back normal today but his face is still swollen and in pain on the one side and it doesn't look like it has gone down at all despite the antibiotics. A family member who was married to a dentist said the infection could spread to his brain or he might be having kidney failure with the urinating pain issue which panicked me. What can we do now for him?
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