From Christains, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, etc. All loves Earth better than Paradise, they don't want to die or they are not ready to die because they don't have their Visa to Paradise on their Hands, Musical, Almost-Naked Dressings, Blood-shed, Lies, Homosexuals, Lesbians, etc, are very popular and easier than ever before, almost 90% of Earth's Citizens are curropted or have Bad Habits, Habits that our Creator and to whom we will return to doesn't like at all. Then, if you ignore one, you are of course with one, if you Ignore God, then you are with Satan!
What is the Problem of Earth Citizens? As said in many Holy Books, Satan is our first Enemy, he was asked by Our Creator to vow to Human being, he refused, he was sent down in promise that he will betray all of Human Beings except few, that's why we are here! Why Should you let him betray you?
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