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語言 - 十月 2005

[Selected]: 所有分類 社會與文化 語言


2005-10-29 07:22:46 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 駱馬 2


2005-10-29 06:20:29 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous



2005-10-29 05:30:07 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 6


2005-10-29 04:39:38 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-10-29 04:07:15 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 小林 2

想問英文ㄉ袁和蔡ㄉ翻譯 這兩各英文單字 有誰知道ㄉㄋ 能告訴我ㄇ

2005-10-29 02:48:55 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Andy yuan 4


2005-10-29 00:42:30 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

Write a report for a university lectuer describing the information below.

2005-10-28 21:50:55 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

我要這些家具的英文,瓦斯爐 水槽 洗手槽 座墊 茶几 和室桌 書櫃 衣櫃 冰箱 地毯 浴缸 馬桶...假如你們還知道別的也可以,謝啦!

2005-10-28 21:21:19 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ? 2

請問 "掩映生姿"這個成語的解釋是什麼?
除了 "光影互相映照,景物因而更顯美好" 這個解釋以外!

2005-10-28 20:04:23 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Ruby 1

我臨時忘了怎麼拼了 長得很像"psychol"
發音是 鰓口
意思是變態 瘋子之類 可我用網路字典中翻音都查不到 到底要怎麼拼阿阿阿

2005-10-28 19:33:15 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

1. The WTO is NOT for free trade at any cost
It’s really a question of what countries are willing to bargain with each other, of give and take, request and offer.
Yes, one of the principles of the WTO system is for countries to lower their trade barriers and to allow trade to flow more freely. After all, countries benefit from the increased trade that results from lower trade barriers.
But just how low those barriers should go is something member countries bargain with each other. Their negotiating positions depend on how ready they feel they are to lower the barriers, and on what they want to obtain from other members in return. One country’s commitments become another country’s rights, and vice versa.
The WTO’s role is to provide the forum for negotiating liberalization. It also provides the rules for how liberalization can take place.
The rules written into the agreements allow barriers to be lowered gradually so that domestic producers can adjust.
They have special provisions that take into account the situations that developing countries face. They also spell out when and how governments can protect their domestic producers, for example from imports that are considered to have unfairly low prices because of subsidies or “dumping”. Here, the objective is fair trade.
Just as important as freer trade — perhaps more important — are other principles of the WTO system. For example: non-discrimination, and making sure the conditions for trade are stable, predictable and transparent.

2005-10-28 19:32:52 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Renee 3

A: 哈囉,B!今天過得如何阿?
B: 有一點忙。期中考快到了,所以小考也變多了。
A: 嗯!我也覺得有很多事情要忙。
B: 最近你晚上有去圖書館但書嗎?
A: 有時候,但是我大部分都在家裡讀。
B: 對了,五十週年校慶快要到了。你會去參加嗎?
A: 也許,不過我會去參加運動會的賽跑。
B: 哦,那很棒耶!祝你順利。
A: 謝謝。今天晚上一起去圖書館好嗎?
B: 好阿!順便去cafeteria吃晚餐。
A: 嗯!就這麼說定囉。
B: 然後為我們的大小考試一起加油吧!
A: 是阿是阿!考試一定要努力,不然會心情不好。
B: 嗯!說的也是,考得好才會有心情出去玩。

2005-10-28 19:03:50 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

Blue holes, huge caverns and an immense variety of rare and exotic marine species are easily accessible in clear water with visibility exceeding 200 feet. Vast numbers, not found anywhere else in the world, of large pelagic predators, sharks, turtles, dolphins and many species of migratory fish gather here at a unique crossroads of three of the world's major ocean currents. Land locked marine lakes, accessible from the sea through tunnels beneath the island's steep shorelines, are home to rare jelly fish, anemones and soft corals.       

2005-10-28 18:30:50 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

I saw a saw saw a saw

2005-10-28 17:36:00 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-10-28 16:18:58 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-10-28 14:52:39 · 9 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous




2005-10-28 14:18:10 · 8 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

I will never become an artist and I cannot sing or play any musical instrument. And if I don't ever get to publish my own writings, then that's just life. But if one does not even try to capture the beauty of the aesthetics, then something's definitely missing in your life. I don't know much about the paintings I saw or want to see, and I don't know more than ten famous composers, but I am proud to say that I have tried! And I know that there is something very beautiful out there waiting for the world to rediscover!


2005-10-28 14:08:22 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 天仙 Celeste 6

Ethnic Groups:
The country is predominantly 85-90% Vietnamese, 3% Chinese, ethnic minorities include Muong, Thai, Meo, Khmer, Man, Cham, and other mountain tribes.

Vietnamese is the official language; French, Chinese, English, Khmer and tribal dialects (Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian) are also spoken.

Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, Roman Catholic, indigenous beliefs, Islamic and Protestant

2005-10-28 14:05:14 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

Context: Music was important in the catechization of the indigenous Amerindian population, but the absence of conventual historians and the disappearance of the music archives of the Jesuits restrict any assessment of music-making during the 16th and 17th centuries. 謝謝~

2005-10-28 13:11:18 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

色老頭 英文怎麼說?
色老頭 英文怎麼說?
色老頭 英文怎麼說?

2005-10-28 12:40:37 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

"深度台灣之旅,海陸行程一次玩透"是這樣翻譯嗎? Profound traveling in Taiwan voyage and journey throughout.這樣有順嗎??還是有什麼別的翻法呢???

2005-10-28 10:24:37 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

jianxin 是什麼意思?

是人名,還是…? 是人名,還是…?

是人名,還是…? 是人名,還是…?

2005-10-28 08:47:58 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


我覺得填充題的困難處是在於 很多特定用的字彙 明明查出來字典上都一樣,可是確有特定用法

敘述題就更難了 我錯超多的~ 看完敘述後選答案 很多答案語意都差不多 ,模糊不清的樣子...(題目有點像謎語)感覺上是 題目每個字都看的懂 合起來就變成很奇怪的東西?


2005-10-28 07:46:40 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

20點!! 回覆美國的朋友的重要旅美行程討論!! 中翻英!!

Dear Randall,

Thanks so much for your fast reply! It’s so nice that hear from you again!

不用擔心Amy and Bruce, 我的父母只不過是希望我先去一趟, 確定當地的生活環境罷了, 這樣他們才會放心讓我的弟弟妹妹一起去,
或許我必須請求您的諒解, 我的父母其實也很擔心騙徒, 因為現在世風日下, 他們又對您了解不像我這麼深入, 他們也有他們應盡的立場,
不過真的不用擔心, 當我前去一趟之後, 他們應當會欣然同意讓Amy and Bruce visit U.S.!!

The fee for a Taiwan passport application is NT$1400 (about US$43), and it will cost NT$4500 (roughly US$136) to apply for the U.S. visa.
確切的旅行日期必須等我辦理了護照和簽證之後才會得知, 旅行社會安排一切, 我也可能必須跑幾趟市政府的兵役課, 簽署一些法律文件才能出國.

我們或許可以趁這一次精確的機會算出Amy and Bruce參觀美國所需的費用,
我有一件事想要請求您, 請您想辦法安排一個說中文的人當我到達U.S.時,
至少在前幾個禮拜我可以先從他的教導得知您的一些風俗, 我聽聞美國有許多風俗不可避免.

By the way, have you received our postcards?

Warmest regards,

2005-10-28 06:29:29 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Scott Visnjic 1

Q:which means of communication do you use most often?
when and why do you use it?


2005-10-28 06:02:56 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1


2005-10-27 21:58:26 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-10-27 20:53:29 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous


2005-10-27 20:25:11 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous

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