if there is such a question about if a "martial sportist" is a "real martial artist"? are "martial actors" like bruce lee, chuck norris, let li, jackie chan, samo hung, van damn, etc "real martial artists?" i mean all there stuff is just choreography, right? they don't really know what they're doing, right? what they do is no more than doing a choreographed dance like in a musical right? i hope people know i'm being sarcastic. however, i know people that like to compete are getting a lot of grief for wanting to put their skills to use. i know that some "sport art" will get your butt handed to you in the street if you had to defend yourself, but what about MMA? i just see people like bruce lee or jet li get more respect than a MMA fighter. a UFC fighter, for example, hits for real. but what jet li does is staged. how does he get more respect? i'm just basically wanting everyone to wake up and start giving the respect to others that they're demanding themselves.
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