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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

2007-06-13 00:37:35 · 5 answers · asked by silver fox 1

I might be getting into a fight at highschool. Im 16 male. Anyways there's this guy who has been talking alot of BS and is trynna fight me. I wanna hopefully try and dodge it but if it breaks out you think this will work.( Btw he doesn't look like a pro fighter.. but who knows) I plan on getting a good stance, then faking a punch, then go for his shin, then if he looks down ill uppercut him, or if he keeps his head straight ill punch him straight between his eyes right above his nose. Then should i just hold him down not to hurt him anymore? Not wanting to really hurt someone, just enough to defend myself and make him quit..Should i do more after i do that or no?

2007-06-12 23:12:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Brothers Girlfriend is a black belt and they had an argument yesterday , she kicked him in the chest and hit him across the head.
Im thinking of taking a hammer to her kneecaps, friggin b/tch !
My brother doesnt believe in hitting women, but id like to do it for him even if she whooped my @ss.

2007-06-12 22:28:24 · 10 answers · asked by ☆♥ Tinkz Baby! ♥☆ 6

How did it go??? Just wondering.

2007-06-12 21:57:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm bound to take a black belt test sometime that would have me in a 45-60 min. horse stance in the future but right now, I have trouble keeping a horse stance for more than 2 minutes. Does anyone have tips on enduring a horse stance? Also, after I do my horse stance my knees are sore and painful but it feels like the bad kind of pain from unhealthy knees. Can anyone explain this?

2007-06-12 20:33:29 · 9 answers · asked by janjan 1

I want to wear my hair like this. Here are some pictures. In case you can't see them, it's like a samurai ponytail, where the har band is, like, extended out from the back of the head.




Does anyone know what this is called exactly, and how to do it?

Thank you!

2007-06-12 20:10:38 · 3 answers · asked by unopepito06 3

was looking at the cradle 2 the Grave message board, a movie by jet li, and people were saying that these UFC fighters could beat jet li, UFC fighters are tough, but i still cant believe that they can beat jet li.

my question is- could robin shou beat these UFC fighters?

some of you know robin shou as lui kang in mortal kombat, he is a brilliant fighter

2007-06-12 18:06:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-12 16:31:54 · 12 answers · asked by iruka_dolphin12 1

i need to be able to get that one punch knockout power goign on. im getting a bag and im going to be going to Sam Stout's camp. his name is the iron firsts but how can i punch alot harder and kick higher? im getign a bag, is that enoguh?

2007-06-12 15:10:14 · 16 answers · asked by nigga 3

im 13 now

2007-06-12 14:20:50 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can I build up my shins even though I'm in 30's? I'm new to kickboxing training. My shins get very sore sometime but I want to strengthen them up.

2007-06-12 04:25:52 · 9 answers · asked by Bruce Tzu 5

I am in Philadelphia, PA and so far all of the karate schools I have contacted won't take kids less then 3. Does anyone know any karate schools that take kids at like the age of 2?

2007-06-12 03:04:24 · 12 answers · asked by ITmom 2

2007-06-12 02:33:08 · 21 answers · asked by vishwas_aryan777 1


why do people want to be in karate?
What does it do for them?

2007-06-12 02:18:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a mixed martial artist and want to host a local grappling tournament. Something like NAGA or Grappler's quest but smaller. I don not know what I need to do in terms of approval from thre state, renting space, insurance, safety, etc. I was hoping someone out there may know and be willing to help me get started. I would really appreciate the help.

2007-06-12 01:14:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been wanting to take martial arts for a while (i'm 18 now), but seeing those small places in a street shopping square, it just doesn't seem like i'd get the same.. what's the word.. quality degree of training at one of the well instituted, authentic places. is this incorrect, should i just go to one anyway? I figure that is probably all there is around where i live (Atlanta, Georgia)

2007-06-11 21:30:10 · 10 answers · asked by Super Shane 64 3

has anyone done karate and kick boxing which one did you like better and for what reason

2007-06-11 21:28:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i can lift my legs high front ways but cant lift them side ways any ideas?

2007-06-11 21:13:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have heard of thai boxing (muay thai) is that the only kickboxing cause i read in a book that when it first came out in america kickboxing was just a combination of other martial arts and boxing

2007-06-11 20:56:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

3 days a week- Weight training with high weight and low reps (Strength with each day being dedicated to a different set of muscles)
Martial Arts 2-4 days a week
Saturday- Weight training with low weight and high reps (Tone)
Cardio and/or technique practice- 3-5 days a week.
Bodyweight exercises-Everyday in very small amounts, but 2 days a week of higher level training.
Sunday- Complete rest.
What do you think? Too little? Too much? Unbalanced? Better day to day work needed?
This is just a something I've considered. I have not started yet.

2007-06-11 20:54:50 · 2 answers · asked by Kenshiro 5

I want to be able to kick through a baseball bat lol... anyways I'm sixteen and I'm a muay thai kickboxer. I also wrestle, which somehow always hurts my shins... anyhow, I can already break a beer bottle on my shins with minimal discomfort. But is it making my bones tougher, or just killing my nerves?

2007-06-11 19:36:15 · 11 answers · asked by NCxxYellow 2

I have been takeing Tae Kwon Do for 6 weeks now and loveing every minute of it! I got one of my friends to take it as well and she loves it too. My master had me be in a tourntment this past weekend and I came in 3rd in both events I was in. My friend came in 1st and 2nd in both events. And we both started the same time. My master told me tonight that i'm going to be testing for my yellow belt next week and he told me tonight that I need to focus more but I don't know how. I feel intemaded by my friend and my master becasue im short and I try to focus and show my master that I am and I get ingored by him and my friend get's the attion. How can I get more focued and show my master I'm serious and not just playing around

2007-06-11 19:27:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

personaly i think that judo is better because the founder of it took all the effective jiu jitsu tech. from many different styles and combined it into one martial art. also, i think judo tends to be a more dynamic sport than jiu jitsu.

2007-06-11 19:20:58 · 14 answers · asked by rice b 1

So i am about to take Aikido and i love the movements and actions when using others power against them. But i do want to learn to use weapons (swords and staffs) but i do not really want to take karate as i think it is a little to americanized. But what else is out there for weapons and hand to hand combat? Or is karate my only option?

2007-06-11 19:13:40 · 8 answers · asked by lyd285 2

who ya got?

2007-06-11 17:54:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can you get Crazy fitness from Karate? I currently do that but it doesnt seem to be giveing me the crazy fitness effects but it does leave sweating etc If i train more maybe 4 days a week will i start getting the crazy fitness effects?

2007-06-11 17:45:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

for a 15 year old thats 5"7' has just an adrenaline rush to go in and instinct.
1: jump off a wall and do a 360 degree kick in the face
2:crack their knee and when the bend down to hold it just rn of their knee and do a backwards kick
3: a high kick to the face to knock them down
4: a leg sweep then jump on them with a punch in the face
do you thinkany of these whould work when im defending myself or whould i just loook like an idiot?

2007-06-11 16:09:31 · 9 answers · asked by mike 2

if there is such a question about if a "martial sportist" is a "real martial artist"? are "martial actors" like bruce lee, chuck norris, let li, jackie chan, samo hung, van damn, etc "real martial artists?" i mean all there stuff is just choreography, right? they don't really know what they're doing, right? what they do is no more than doing a choreographed dance like in a musical right? i hope people know i'm being sarcastic. however, i know people that like to compete are getting a lot of grief for wanting to put their skills to use. i know that some "sport art" will get your butt handed to you in the street if you had to defend yourself, but what about MMA? i just see people like bruce lee or jet li get more respect than a MMA fighter. a UFC fighter, for example, hits for real. but what jet li does is staged. how does he get more respect? i'm just basically wanting everyone to wake up and start giving the respect to others that they're demanding themselves.

2007-06-11 16:07:03 · 11 answers · asked by JAS 5

i was doing mma class and, everyone had shin guards exept me, our shins were getting kicked all class and wow are they sore. How long does it take for them to recover?

2007-06-11 15:39:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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