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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

2007-06-19 23:46:39 · 6 answers · asked by CRAIG R 2

should i uses hands/elbows seperate from my legs/knees when working with a punching bag?

2007-06-19 21:38:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

which one of these arts are more violent in your perspective,
when used in a sport situation like the UFC; in the streets (used by one person vs another in an agreed street fight everything goes and both parties know the intentions; when confronted by an assailant and you use one of these arts on them?

2007-06-19 21:23:24 · 12 answers · asked by eddies_online_interests 3

Im 15 and at school there is this one kid which i am farely cool with but hes always punking on littler kids, and well the kid is a little *****! And i have told this to kis face and he did nothing, but if i see him try too punk someone again im lieable to hit him. I just need to know if i should just clock him in the jaw from the side outa no where. Or when he is punking the kid go over and tell him to come down and if it escalates into something maybe a shove followed by a jab and a cross maybe? Where to hit em?

2007-06-19 19:51:59 · 22 answers · asked by SeanRector 1

I video tape my training, when I can. During class ( aikido, mma, bjj, kali) I seem to do well. When we work mma/bjj I generally do well. These guys are fighters and tend to be really good. But when I watch after class I sometimes really look like I don't know what I'm doing or look sloppy. Even in Aikido (which I have more xp than any other student in class) I sometimes look like I am unskilled. Do I just have an over active sense of what I should look like or could I just really suck? Even when I "win" a match I always find something that I shouldn't have done or pick on all my mistakes. Is this "normal" do you do this? One reason I like to video is so I can check out what I've learned and how I apply it. Anyone else really critical on yourself? I don't get this way with others, just myself. I always find a positive when I help someone else it's just myself I tend to not be able to please myself.

2007-06-19 17:17:33 · 6 answers · asked by Zenshin Academy 3

Just wanted to get your opinion on something, i do kyokushin karate, our dojo is quite strong and we have some great fighters in both the full contact and non contact tournaments

Iv noticed some people saying how much of a discrace it is to see young kids with black belts, but i disagree, we do have young kids who have black belts, quite a few actually, but their technique is absolutely amazing! way better than mine and some of the adult black belts even, the kyokushin policy basicaly is you can get your blackbelt, you dont have to have any full contact fights if your under 16, but you cant get your 2nd Dan until you turn 18 and you have to fight full contact then

I absolutely understand where the black belt for kids comoes from, parents always want their child to get that black belt, you cant blame them for not understanding karate, and the kids fees put more equipment in our Dojo, so i dont have a problem with it, what do you guys think?

2007-06-19 13:59:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to do my whole body!!
I am doing Tae Kwan Doe And Have to be very flexible!
I need to increase My flxibility HELP!!!!

2007-06-19 10:17:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think that it is a very elegant sport, and I am flexible, but out of shape. I will be committed to it - I'm just wondering if I am too old, or if any other person has had a similar experience. Any suggestions about how to get started?

2007-06-19 09:20:03 · 21 answers · asked by andipandi 3

I have been practicing MMA for about 8 years now but I don't know lately I've
been becoming frustrasted with it. I'm tired of all the politics involved in it and some
of the people too. Anyone else feel this way sometimes?

2007-06-19 02:33:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I train in Muay Thai for fitness reasons (no prize fighting at any levels and only up to 70% power in sparring which would happen occasionally, and I reach my 60th Birthday...would I be skillfull enough to defeat younger more stronger/faster opponents or is my skill limited to the peak of my physiology?

and is it all downhill one I reach my physical fitness in Muay Thai?

Im asking because they say Muay Thai is for younger people, which is mostly true, I tend to notice people doing Muay Thai in their teens early 20s.

2007-06-18 23:35:00 · 7 answers · asked by eddies_online_interests 3

2007-06-18 18:59:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask this because not that long ago at a major kickboxing event in australia there was a minor gang war people where shot and stabbed etc it ruined the fight and they had to cancel it

the people that where doing the warring where from rival biker gangs

so does kickboxing attract the wrong sort of people personally i am thinking kind of when i went to a boxing club to train half of the people where ex prisoners or drug addicts (or hung around with drug addicts) also i knew a guy that did muay thai and he beat his girlfriend!!!

does violent sport attract violent people? (i like violent sport but im the most not violent person there is)

2007-06-18 18:58:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been looking for a martial arts school i would like to be in a muay thai kick boxing class
when i called some gyms and ask them what type of fighting style i get so many answers that dont really help like they would say we do everything or they say we do original karate or they say
its a korean style or a japan style what are they trying to say because wehn they tell me this it doesnt really help

2007-06-18 17:55:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some background on me, I practiced karate, Judo, and very little Aikikai, but due to scheduling problems, decided to join a Yoshinkan beginning this week. I have researched a lot of both Aikikai and Yoshinkan, and I know that Aikikai is considered a "soft" style and Yoshinkan a "hard" style, but of course, I learned that it depends on the instructor. But my question is, I know both are similar, but will there be more focus on physical exercise in the warm up, like push-ups, running, etc? Or will it be like the "usual" Judo/Aikido warm-ups, that are mostly stretching, etc. I am not that worried, but I just want to be ready, I haven't done any major cardio for a while. thanks!

I know that supposedly the Tokyo Riot Police have to know Yoshinkan, and obviously they better be in excellent physical condition? do you agee?

2007-06-18 13:45:46 · 7 answers · asked by Larry M 1

2007-06-18 13:13:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have heard about judo witch is good in street fighting but im really skinny and weigh 140 lbs and 6"2 what do you guys think is a good art for my type of body desription

2007-06-18 12:56:31 · 19 answers · asked by clumsy gamer 2

2007-06-18 12:56:02 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

bruce lee, chuck norris, van damme, ali, tyson, the big show, the rock, et al

2007-06-18 12:47:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do BJJ, another Ju-jitsu and Aikido at a school near an ATA and i walked by the ATA one day and saw them witrh nearly 50 students. and half of them were BB. And none of them were any good literally i could have took the sensei out in less than 2 min.. so im wondering how can a BS school get so many students

2007-06-18 12:39:12 · 6 answers · asked by fastfists7 3

im a guy, well i do 15 pushups a day i know u probably think this is wimpy but i dont care, i still want to do 15 more tomorow instead of waiting one day and do it gain the next. does 15 push ups shape my chest?? cause i have some fat so i want to have some muscle there.

2007-06-18 11:25:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

i thought kick boxing was just muay thai but without elbows

2007-06-18 10:20:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-18 09:57:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've only taken three classes in TKD so far and they already want me to take the test to get my yellow belt this coming Saturday. True, I have a three and a half years of cheerleading and gymnastics to back me up and I know the form like the back of my hand (I like practicing). And I don't like to toot my own horn most of the time, but to be perfectly honest, I do have much better form than many of the other white belts I take classes with. I was just wondering if anyone else has heard of anything like this.

And before anyone says the school I go to isn't legit, here's the website. I wouldn't make this up. I'm really nervous and could also use some pointers on testing.

2007-06-18 09:11:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

there should be a annual fighting competition where every country in the world even the smaller ones choose their best fighter of any style and any weight class, then they make a tournament by putting fighters in steel cages with no rules to figure out who is the best fighter.

it would be really cool to see a Japanese sumo wrestler fight an American boxer or a hindu guy with a dot on his forehead fight some african guy with grass skirt or a big muscular Russian against a Canadian

2007-06-18 07:58:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am considering starting kickboxing because I need a workout and the self-defense. Would you recommend it?

2007-06-18 05:17:24 · 6 answers · asked by kalliajo 1

I am starting judo this week as a beginner. What should i do , what should my attitude be to become the best judo student?

2007-06-18 04:14:03 · 9 answers · asked by alacc 2

I need to know so if I buy one I am not breaking any laws.

2007-06-18 04:13:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to do it. its quite a small fracture.

2007-06-18 00:04:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

however I am 30, but am thinking of taking up m.m.a , and would like to try competing in the future. Anybody else taken m.m.a up at a late age and been successfull?

2007-06-17 22:01:02 · 9 answers · asked by ross c 2

2007-06-17 20:35:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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