I saw how the way Lee spar in real life and you know what I think? He'll beat the hell out of any MMA fighter, To Ken Shamrock through the Gracie family and you name it everybody! No matter how big the opponent might be or good at ground game he can be, Lee would take them out in 10 to 15 second if they don't wear helmet. I think people are hella stupid when they say Lee would get own by this and that, they don't know that Lee have ground game also that would make an opponent scream for their mother to help them in a blink of an eye!!! Lee style is design to finish an opponent very fast if you don't believe it look at the book of his Jeet Kune Do and his sparring tapes. Lee is so fast and skillful lucky the guy wore helmet or else with so much kick form Lee on the guy head so many time he'll be in the hospital already! For people who is good at submission and grappling it will be a stupid idea to get close to Lee and try to grab him, you'll be pin yourself and break your arm in no time
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