Well, without knowing specifics of your diet and such. I will do my best.
First off, you should feel wiped at the end of sparring. If you didn't then you aren't pushing yourself. So if it is just after training (tournament prep) I wouldn't worry about it.
Secondly, rest is definately an issue. Gettling less than 6 hours of sleep and doing a highly athletic activity will put a tremendous strain on your body as it doesn't have time to recover.
One thing you may look at is increasing your carbohydrates. You don't want crappy ones, but whole grains, brown rice, whole wheat pasta etc. You can also increased you calories in general, not to the point that you are gaining weight, but to the point that are feeling better.
Look towards a Vitamin B complex of some sort, B12 is a great source energy and will help you out.
So take in some good carbohydrates in, increase your calories some, look at some B12, and definately make sure you are getting at least your body weight in grams of protein.
For example if you are 124lbs, make sure you are eating at least 125 grams of protein in a day.
As far as cooking for yourself, if you get one day off cook up a bunch of stuff you can take with you through the week, and eat on your lunch breaks. Make sure you are taking in protein after your workout (this will help with recovery).
LOTS of water.
Again, good carbs will help a lot, and getting as much rest as possible.
Unfortunately your schedule dictates something that will leave you feeling wiped most of the time in general, 6 hours of sleep (if that by the time you get to bed, hit snooze a few times in the morning etc) isn't really enough rest.
Protein shakes, Green shakes (these are shakes that have a daily allotment of greens in them), a B Complex vitamans, some good carbs (again whole wheat pasta, grains, brown rice, etc) and you will be doing all that you can for nutrition wise.
2007-06-13 05:04:03
answer #1
answered by judomofo 7
you need protien.
If you are weak you might not be eating properly, or it could be medical (later). What you need to do is learn about nutrition and more importantly make sure you tell your food preparers to avoid adding extra calories to your meals (butter, food is often prepared with melted butter to make it look more appitizing), or those "garnish" veggies that you get?
A scoop of lard is likely better for you when they are cooked in, you guessed it butter.
You might not have much time, so I would suggest trying to find the nutrition info of the foods you eat from the stores you buy it from.
do you eat a lot of bread?
you also might have a gluten allergy which is not uncommon and can have a "fatigue" effect on people- some it hits worse than others- and can be far far worse than fatigue.
I would suggest if you are really worried that you get a blood test and have them check for a glueten allergy and while your at it have them do a full work up.
2007-06-13 05:02:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are obviously spreading yourself too thin. You're probably getting no more than four or five hours of sleep a night. That's not enough, especially for the amount of work you are doing during the day. My friend, you are on the road to disaster, plain and simple.
You need to make a choice. Either give up one job or give up Martial Arts, because pretty soon at the rate you are going, you will be no good at either one.
Sorry, there are no short cuts or magic foods, vitamins, etc. that can help this issue.
2007-06-13 04:56:59
answer #3
answered by JV 5
Martial arts is an 'athletic endeavor' and I think that the 'best advice' I can give you is CARBO LOAD the night before your tournament ... and also 'protein load' ... eat a 'huge supper' that has lots of 'carbs' (pasta, bread, potatoes) and meat, with FEW vegies and fruit ... you'll 'feel good and powerful' and won't get that 'let down' feeling that has you 'wiped' now. Do this ONLY on the 'night before' a big tournament or competition, though, and you shouldn't 'gain weight' ... you'll 'burn the extra calories' during the tournament.
2007-06-13 04:54:42
answer #4
answered by Kris L 7
There are certain things that you can do to enhance your tournament experience and your chances for doing well. I used many of these things myself and teach them to my students.
1. Wear good athletic shoes when not competing at the tournament. Running around all day in your bare feet will only make your lower legs and feet tired. By wearing shoes when it comes time for sparring at the end of the day your legs and feet will seem much fresher.
2. Drink plenty of water-especially if its a tournament in the summer! Water helps keep stiffness and soreness from setting in and will keep you from becoming dehydrated and help to replenish your energy. Avoid soda, coffee and other things with a lot of caffeine the night before or that day.
3. Carb up the night before by eating some pasta-not a huge meal but pasta is a good source of carbs which help you to burn energy when you need it and your body makes demands for it.
4. For breakfast a helping of pancakes from McD's is a good source for energy and carbs also. You may or may not want to eat all of them in that helping though. Don't eat to heavy.
5. Don't work out hard two days before-do lighter workouts. Start getting ready for the tournament three weeks in advance so that as that day gets nearer you can rest a little rather than push yourself to hard to try and learn your kata or get in shape at the last minute and burn energy that you may need at the tournament.
6. A little fruit like an orange or two at the tournament will give you some excellent Vitamin C-toss a few in your bag.
7. There are also some excellent carbo pump type drinks that will give you good bursts of energy and help you recover faster after weapons or kata and be ready later to fight. Check out GNC if there is one close by.
8. At the tournament before each event if you feel lathargic pour a little cold or ice cold water down your back and run back and forth a little to get your heart rate up. Inexperience may make your feel tight or listless and as if your body can't move or move quickly. This will help to overcome that.
These things along with your mental approach will help ensure that you do your best. As you gain in experience in competting your body will become better adept at it. I had it down to a science and sometimes would have to compete after driving all night and all these things served me very well. Good luck.
2007-06-13 05:38:17
answer #5
answered by samuraiwarrior_98 7
Basic raw fruits will give you energy, apples, oranges, bananas, etc... You also need to get more sleep. Sleep is essential to body and mind. Also drink water !!! Staying hydrated will also help with energy.
2007-06-13 05:08:20
answer #6
answered by Ray H 7