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Martial Arts

[Selected]: All categories Sports Martial Arts

Im starting MMA soon and im going to have to be able to take a punch. Should i just smash my face against a wall until I can accept the pain? What else can i do?

2007-06-08 11:24:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

the website works even if it only has a couple techs.

2007-06-08 06:44:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've practiced Karate and Drunken Kung Fu in the past, but Tae Kwon Do is my major art. I've gotten to black belt in Chung Do Kwan, and I'm a currently a blue belt in Moo Duk Kwan.
I'm 5'11" and 154 pounds. Most of my weight is distrbuted in my lower body, and my legs are pretty long.
I know trying a grappling art is a good idea, but I haven't decided which one I want to take after I get my black belt in Moo Duk Kwan.
Which do you suggest and why? Hapkido?Jujutsu?Sambo?Aikido?Judo?

2007-06-08 01:12:07 · 7 answers · asked by Kenshiro 5

I am wanting to learn some kind of style of martial arts, I just cant make my decision on what style. I am trying to choose a style that would be best fit for law enforcement being thats the field I am in. I would like to learn a style that uses non deadly tactics more a style to simply disable your opponents without severe consequences severe injuries; or something that won't get in trouble if I use it.

2007-06-08 00:56:37 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-07 23:12:50 · 9 answers · asked by Melissa B 1

As with humans, one way to restrain animals is by grappling and pinning, but animals tend to bite. How do you improvise an equipment that can be used to shield one's hands from damage?

2007-06-07 22:38:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-07 19:36:13 · 25 answers · asked by Chris D 2

Ok, my Tae Kwon Do instructor just moved back and I haven't been able to go to classes for atleast a year. He doesn't think that he will be able to start the class again because he has back problems and can't kick very good anymore. I"m a yellow belt and it only took me a few days to memorize 1-5 spars, and 1-5 keybons(sorry about the spelling). I was just wondering if it would be ok if I offered to help him out with the class since all he would have to do is spend a week with me tops to get me back into it and know how to do it that way I can continue my training and so that all the other kids and adults that were in that class continue their training?

2007-06-07 17:01:23 · 12 answers · asked by Reach 4 The Stars 3

I am feel very clumsy and confused as to which way or what I am supposed to throw or be thrown. I have studied martial arts for a good portion of my life, and had great success in Shotokan and Judo. I have heard that Aikido is the most difficult to learn, should I stick it out or return to Judo? thanks in advance.

2007-06-07 11:50:28 · 11 answers · asked by Larry M 1

All schools are relatively close, but what are your thoughts? I know it is all about whether the Sensei (s) are good teachers, but what else? what about self defense? I took Judo for about 1 1/2 years and am very new to Aikido.. thanks in advance for any of your comments. Also, what about for kids? My girl is 5 and I want to put her in one of them..

2007-06-07 09:20:54 · 2 answers · asked by Larry M 1

Do you care about the philosophy behind the art you are studying or are you only into the physical aspect of it?

Is your goal to become a better overall person or to become a better overall fighter?

Do you prefer newer modern styles that focus on ‘results’ or do you prefer the more ancient arts which focus on long term study?

Do you intend to use you skills for monetary or other personal gain besides that of spiritual growth?

What specifically are your long term goals in your studies?

2007-06-07 08:04:24 · 13 answers · asked by what_the_hell_now 1

If you had the chance of seing someone in WWE or TNA get his *** kicked in the MMA,who would you want want to see and against what MMA fighter????

2007-06-07 05:42:03 · 11 answers · asked by Coolguy323 2

I mean what should you do differend if you want your muscles to be not very big but strong and sharp with nice shape and flexible?
Should you do every exercize more times or less with many pauses?

2007-06-07 05:36:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

used to say to me "throw them hard " whilst teaching students , i did not agree with him then as i do not now , i think my students learn just as well without me breaking their butts .I like to think i am showing them what they can do rather than what i can do , i just wondered if anyone else has come across a similar problem . i mean now that i think of all the injuries i have accumulated , over the years , i tend to think i could have learned just as well without the no pain no gain thing ,

2007-06-07 04:18:42 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is not restricted to country, dojo, or teachings..

2007-06-07 03:31:40 · 7 answers · asked by Maowei C 2

every thing i stood up for simply fell right in front of me today so very fast so very easily i only regret i didnt find out sooner i asked the question today why dont UFC fighters use kung fu only to find out that wushu masters are nothing but pacifict losers ever sence i can remeber i have ben intrested in fighting and when i first layed my eyes on my very first UFC fight i knew i wanted to be there someday so i starterd training in kung fu but not becuse of bruce lee or the other kung fu legends but for the simple reason it trains mind body and soul i traind for 4 months and today i find out its all BULL**** you dont know how that hurts i cryed a lil but any way i dont know what to do now i cant just leve kung fu i promised my self ill never will if i do ill be nothing more then a failuire and ill never belive in my self ever man this sux i kknow none you wana hear all this but damm it it relly hurts and i dont know what to do any more DAM THIS LIFE

2007-06-07 03:03:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does any one know what excerises methods jackie chan uses?

2007-06-07 02:27:18 · 8 answers · asked by Dane G 1

In Killing people Instandly.
And in desarming a weapon.

2007-06-06 23:14:11 · 14 answers · asked by Fallout 5

Im in the heavyweight dev and currently aroun 85kg which is at the lower end, since heavy weight dev is 80+ what are some ways to gain weight, APART FROM heavy lifting at the gym, i already know this will help me gain muscle mass, i'd just rather not do it. Is it alright to eat junk food to gain weight also? i really hope someone says its ok :)

2007-06-06 15:41:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't mean which do you prefer. I just want to learn the difference in the two martial arts.

2007-06-06 12:55:47 · 19 answers · asked by e.sillery 5

hey im a girl who is 14 5'1 135 and love caporiera (brazilian martial arts) and i want to learn how to breakdance too. what are some good exercises for me to learn this things and to make my arms and legs stronger?, plus i have big arms already and it looks bigger since i have small chest what are some good exercise for my arms to get thinner?

2007-06-06 12:39:28 · 6 answers · asked by Nena 1

2007-06-06 10:52:35 · 7 answers · asked by Fallout 5

Im 15 and want to take up a martial art. Im pretty strong but can a girl really to good against guys?

2007-06-06 10:11:59 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

i was wondering how the thirteen count jo kata differs in other forms of martial arts besides aikido

2007-06-06 03:45:57 · 2 answers · asked by seafaerie321 2

You see Ive got this kid that I wanna beat the crap out of

2007-06-06 01:44:15 · 18 answers · asked by Matt F 2

2007-06-06 01:22:54 · 7 answers · asked by Paul A 2

What is mma and what will I learn

2007-06-06 01:18:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

and how strenuas is it on the back

2007-06-05 22:45:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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