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3 days a week- Weight training with high weight and low reps (Strength with each day being dedicated to a different set of muscles)
Martial Arts 2-4 days a week
Saturday- Weight training with low weight and high reps (Tone)
Cardio and/or technique practice- 3-5 days a week.
Bodyweight exercises-Everyday in very small amounts, but 2 days a week of higher level training.
Sunday- Complete rest.
What do you think? Too little? Too much? Unbalanced? Better day to day work needed?
This is just a something I've considered. I have not started yet.

2007-06-11 20:54:50 · 2 answers · asked by Kenshiro 5 in Sports Martial Arts

To reply to this:
sounds like a lot but how long are your training sessions.
Martial Arts are just about an hour or so. The weight lifting really depends on what I'm working. Just a few muscle groups per session though.
and how heavy are you that you need to do cardio almost five days a week
Doing cardio 3-5 times a week is good for everyone. It's recommended by the CDC. I'm 5'11" and 155 if you're wondering.

2007-06-11 21:29:29 · update #1

2 answers

It sounds like a lot but if you have the proper amount of rest, drink plenty of water and eat healthy then you should be in great shape in 3-4 months. By rest I don't just mean sleep but also give your muscles enough time to recover after lifting before you do martial arts each day. In weight lifting you tend to contract the muscles while in martial arts you tend to stretch them so give them several hours between the two to recover. You may want to consider low to medium weight and high reps for the weight training though.

Another thing I have done over the years that I read about was in my weight lifting workouts do the extension type exercises last when ever possible and this will help keep you a little more flexible and not so tight for those martial arts workouts later that day or evening.

2007-06-11 23:54:18 · answer #1 · answered by samuraiwarrior_98 7 · 0 0

sounds like a lot but how long are your training sessions. and how heavy are you that you need to do cardio almost five days a week

2007-06-11 21:05:58 · answer #2 · answered by ruben e 2 · 0 1

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