I was rewatching a wrestling documentary the other day called "Bret Hart Wrestling WIth Shadows", with my wife, a non-wrestling fan. As the documenary was going along I began pointing out all of the wrestlers in there who are now dead, The British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Vader, Curt Henning. I'm only half way thorugh the docmentary. With the exception of Owen, these guys all in there 30's and 40's at that time in 1996, are now dead of some dort of drug related cause. On top of that you have Eddie Guerrero, and a ton of others dying in the last couple of years. Now you have SI doing a story on guys like Edge, Orton, Mysterio, allegedly involved with drugs. Short of boycotting wrestling all together what can we as fans do to show Vince that we do not want to see our favourite wrestlers dead at such a younge age. We want these people to entertain us and also have a long productive life?
9 answers
asked by
Cactus Dan