i felt as tho i should respond to ur comments made about the most overated wrestlers and the comments u made about me... since u didnt leave an email addy i thought this would be the only way for me to contact u. 1st of all i take nothin away from bret harts wrestling ability, he was 1 of the gud, sound, physical wrestlers of our generation, but cmon, hes so ridiculously overated. u said that a good wrestler to u is some1 that has the ability to entertain in the ring, on the mic, and has a good attitude... yes bret could entertain in the ring, but he had no mic skills and had as much charisma as dog ****... so uve totally contradicted ur own statement. hogan and foley r overated coz they could never actually wrestle and only got over coz of their charisma and mic work... so once again uve gone against what u said before. to me personally, a complete wrestler is some1 that can put on a hell of a match, cut a hell of a promo and promote the business like flair, hbk, edge, hhh, taker ect
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