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Religion & Spirituality - 12 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-11-12 05:55:08 · 26 answers · asked by Let's Debate 1

I am curious as to what is the difference between southern baptists and the nazarene church? I was raised southern baptist but started to go to a nazarene church recently and I cant seem to point out the differences

2007-11-12 05:53:51 · 3 answers · asked by jclayato 4

For many years people have been taught a lie which is actually a fairy tale. People have been told the earth is millions of years old and creation is a dumb theory. People think that Evolution has nothing to do with religion but thinking humans came from a rock takes more faith than believing in a God. The Big bang theory is stated that everything came from a spinning dot and was no bigger than a period on a page. Which implies everything came from that dot. Some problems with that theory are if all the matter of the whole universe was spinning from that dot than every planet should be spinning the same direction. Some planets and moons are spinning a different direction from our planet.

Evolutionists say dinosaurs prove the earth is millions of years old but just recently a T-Rex bone was found that had red blood cells which cannot last over a million years.

I think that either Creation should be taught with Evolution or neither of them should be taught in school since everyone is required to pay for it.

Some Creation sites that disprove Evolution are
drdino.com - click on the downloads section and hear the truth.

2007-11-12 05:52:54 · 27 answers · asked by King Arthur 3

are bodies still being mummified??

like if so, who?

2007-11-12 05:52:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


Like no other known planet, 98% of earth is made up of iron, oxygen, sulfur, silicon, magnesium and nickel.
Like no other planet, the earth is covered with green vegetation pumping mountains of fresh oxygen into our air and cleaning the atmosphere of harmful carbon dioxide.
Like no other planet, earth has an endless supply of oxygen-laden water, circulating in its streams, rivers and oceans teeming with self-sustaining life.
Like no other planet, the surface of the earth is a glorious gem in the universe compared to its dull and lifeless counterparts.
Like no other planet, life is found in every square inch of earth—even in Antarctica. One acre of farmland six inches thick is estimated to contain several tons of living bacteria, a ton of fungi, 200 pounds of unicellular protozoan animals, about 100 pounds of yeast and 100 pounds of algae.
Like no other planet, the earth travels at just the right speed in its 292 million-mile-long orbit around the sun. Too much faster and it would be pulled away from the sun and if too far all life would die. And if it traveled slightly slower it would move too close to the sun and all life would perish.
Like no other planet, the earth's rotation on its axis protects the life on it. If slower all life would die in time by a combination of freezing at night due to a lack of sunlight and burning up during the day due to too much sun.
Like no other planet, the earth sits perfectly in its environment. For example, if the moon were too close to the earth it would create massive tides which would erode the continents and mountain ridges making the earth flat. It is estimated it would then be covered with one and a half miles of water.
Like no other planet, 70% of the earth is covered with living water. The water acts as a heat sink absorbing the sun's energy during the day keeping the earth comfortable and gradually releasing its heat by night keeping the earth from becoming unbearably cold. Without the temperature balancing act of the vast reservoirs of the earth's water many parts would be hot enough to boil water during the day and freeze water during the night. Life could not exist.
Like no other planet, God's earth has a built-in thermostat. Just a few degrees change in earth's average temperature would result in most life roasting or freezing.
Like no other known planet, the earth's one mile thick girdle protects it from the heat of its molten core.
Like no other planet, the earth touts a radiation shielding ozone layer, without which life could not exist.

2007-11-12 05:52:23 · 41 answers · asked by Let's Debate 1

On TV??

1. A human nipple?


2 A graphic gun-shot death?

2007-11-12 05:51:16 · 11 answers · asked by Bajingo 6


apotropaic: to ward of off evil. eg: calling a deity or the fates "good" with the intention of warding off bad events, fate, etc.

2007-11-12 05:50:20 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-12 05:49:36 · 17 answers · asked by Warren Ferguson 1

I heard that he was but his manager advised him against revealing his religion because his fans would go "nuts". Can anyone clarify???

2007-11-12 05:48:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

At first, there was nothing, just a void. The void was god. God created itself into an entity, and then created a paradise (heaven). God then created angels and the like. However, he then decided to create the big bang, and then began to create everything else. However, on the 7th day, god returned to heaven to find that the devil had started a reign of terror there. God then threw him to earth, where he corrupted the dinosaurs. God then killed all of the dinosaurs. God then created man, who Satan (as the evil Snake) corrupted so we would not be perfect, but instead also capable of evil. God then created Hell and sent the devil and all of his minions (the Fallen Angels who helped him terrorize heaven). The reason that God did not kill the devil is because the devil tortures whoever he can, and therefore is a good tool to punish evil with and if he ever escapes he can be easily killed. Finally, Hades is s place in heaven where everyone who doesn't become angels or go to hell lives.

2007-11-12 05:48:21 · 19 answers · asked by nostreffej 1

My sister is a drug addict (prescription pills, some hers, some bought). This is causing a lot of pain to those who love her. She is in denial that she has a problem & in denial that she's hurting anyone, causing it to be more difficult for us. I would like to give her a list of Bible versus, that may help inspire her or maybe open her eyes. All true answers are much appreciated. Thank you!

2007-11-12 05:48:15 · 9 answers · asked by sunrise_n_tn 1

everyday i see someone do something wrong but what went thought there heads when they made that decision anybody know

2007-11-12 05:47:53 · 25 answers · asked by miss.toast 1

Just wondering how much ppl in yahoo answers is christians. If you are say YAY, if your not state what you are.

2007-11-12 05:47:51 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

please be specific and back up your answers with verses from the bible. also, please tell what you think each verse means.

2007-11-12 05:47:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-12 05:46:11 · 22 answers · asked by GEISHA 3

What if someone knew that a person was an atheist? The atheist enjoys attending church functions, but has yet to mention God or religon. The atheist does however likes to share what happens during such functions. The theist some how found out that this person was an atheist. Perhaps by eavesdropping, who knows? The atheist was just too scared to tell others what he was.

Assume that such an incident happened in a work setting, perhaps during a lunch break in the employee lunch room. How would you feel or react if someone outed you?

2007-11-12 05:45:46 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lately, I've been reading comments from people that Jesus was immoral. Whether or not you believe in Jesus's divinity or if he was even a real historical person, can you explain why you would conclude that he was immoral based on reading the New Testament.

2007-11-12 05:44:08 · 14 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2

a professor takes a 10 gallon container, and asks the class if it's full:
most answer no,
a couple argue that it's full of air,
and one answers that it's full of air, and full of gods spirit...

then the professor dumps in a bunch of marbles in, until there can be no more added to the container...he then asks the class again:

Most answer yes,
some answer no,
and that same kid answers it's full of marbles, and gods spirit

the professor now dumps sand into the container, filing all the cracks in between the marbles, and asks the class a third time

almost all answer "yes"
2 answer "no"
and that same kid answers now it's full of marbles, sand, and god's spirit...

Finally the professor opens a few beers, and purs them into the container filling in all the space between the sand...

He told the students that the container represented their lives...
what was the professor's point?

2007-11-12 05:44:04 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-12 05:42:50 · 12 answers · asked by GEISHA 3

If a man kills another man because of his color, religion, or sexual orientation, the punishment is greater (under US Court Hate Crime laws) than if he had killed him for money.
If a man murders a woman for sex the punishment is less than if a man murders a woman because she was black.


Upon what authority do we derive the notion that hate that leads to murder is a greater evil than other emotions that drive one to murder?

2007-11-12 05:40:52 · 20 answers · asked by Last Ent Wife (RCIA) 7

since you insist that everything should be in the Bible for your beliefs to be valid, I am asking where does the Bible say not to baptize infants?

if it's not in the Bible, then why are you against it?

2007-11-12 05:39:31 · 26 answers · asked by Ťango 3

In Christian doctrine, God punishes eternally and the vast majority of humankind will be punished eternally as "narrow is the road and only a few are saved". This means that BILLIONS of human souls will exist for nothing else but eternal torment FORVER.

Since the human soul/consciousness is designed to learn, grow and adapt what exactly is the purpose of having BILLIONS of souls in a state of constant torment with no ability to learn, change, adapt?

2007-11-12 05:38:44 · 11 answers · asked by pixie_pagan 4

Between Santa and gifts and all the decor, how will you keep the "Christ" in Christmas. Do you have family traditions? Tell me how you and/or your children will remember that Jesus comes first and Santa comes second.....

2007-11-12 05:37:52 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2

2007-11-12 05:36:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dosen't that kind of disprove the adam and eve theory?

2007-11-12 05:34:53 · 14 answers · asked by Alter E 3

Did Jesus make the earth? Did he create the stars and peanutbutter as well? Last time I checked, he didnt.

2007-11-12 05:33:41 · 18 answers · asked by Peanutbutter Goddess ~ PM! 3


2007-11-12 05:32:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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