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Religion & Spirituality - 18 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What's the deal with always trying to 'disprove' the existance of God? I myself am not very religious. So trying to make me a believer or non-believer is going to be fruitless, but that's beside th point. Anyway, if you say that Christians are always trying to shove their beleifs down your throat, and thus believe yourself to be better, why do you do the same? When you say God doesn't exist based on 'facts' that you have found, such as 'the existance of poverty, you are using your OWN logic, much as Christians use their logic. You christians do not have enough knowledge or facts that prove the existance of God, which is true. Having said that, we are all only huimans, Can you truly say that you have the knoweldge and intelligence neccesary to disprove the existance of a Superior being? Why are you so against Christians? The response that they are "They cause of all the wars" is untrue, based on the fact that Christianity is an idea, and has no say in political issues.

2007-10-18 04:57:48 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't know that for sure.

I speak out regularly that I think there is a God but I know there is no proof. I call that a mind made up, don't you?

Is God a being or an intelligent energy? I don't know; but I think that there was intelligence that initiated life.

2007-10-18 04:57:46 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi guys i no this sound really weird but when i was about 5 years old my Nan died i didn't really no her that well to be honest only know what she looks like from photographs. For the past year I've been feeling like she looks down on me and is my guardian angel. When i go to bed a night i talk to her i know this may sound weird but i feel that she can hear me. Sometimes i feel like she is in my room at night becuse i feel all cold and sometimes feel someone sitting on my bed. I've never actually seen her it's just like a sense feeling. And I feel like everthing bad that happens to me my nan makes it happen like that and them makes something else happen so it didn't seem all that bad. For example we recently went to see The Macdonald Brothers off x factor and after the Gig I was heartbroken because I didn't get to meet them i emailed their manager and he gave me a backstage pass and sent me a signed poster. I think my Nan knew that was going to happen. Am I going crazy or is this real?

2007-10-18 04:56:14 · 4 answers · asked by emma n 2

For Christians that judge Mitt Romney inappropriate, or incapable, as a president of the USA because he’s Mormon: What are your reasons for not voting for him?

Over 30% of the USA says they either wouldn’t vote for or have reservations about voting for Mitt Romney because he’s Mormon. It’s well known that a large percentage of those people are conservative Christians, especially in the Bible belt.

If you are not American but you would still not vote for Mitt Romney, if you had the chance, because you judge his religion to make him incapable of being a good world leader, I’m fine with you answering too.

What is it that you believe about Mormons that cause you to judge Romney incapable of leading the nation based on his Mormon beliefs?

Please note: if you wouldn’t vote for Mitt Romney because of his politics, not because of his religion, this question isn’t for you. Obviously if you would vote for Romney, this question isn't for you either.

2007-10-18 04:56:03 · 7 answers · asked by BryanN 2

Why did God violate Mary as she was wife of Joseph, If she had to be impregnated then that could have happened without her marrying to Joseph.

2007-10-18 04:54:14 · 16 answers · asked by handful_01 2

Oh yeah ... NONE of them! And yet you people think you know what he thought and wanted? What a joke.

2007-10-18 04:53:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm set, I got the water!

2007-10-18 04:53:23 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous



2007-10-18 04:52:25 · 26 answers · asked by Theophilus 2

they make their being human as an excuse for being imperfect like all humans are when they make mistakes, but when it comes to people questioning their interpretation of the Bible they are suddenly infallable!

what happened to the "we are only humans, we are not perfect" excuse?

2007-10-18 04:51:12 · 23 answers · asked by Ťango 3

it says in the torah all animals that have split hooves and chew their cud may be eaten there are animals that only chew their cud but dont have split hooves the camal the rock-badger and the hare and the one animal that has split hooves but doesnt chew his cud is the pig now if man wrote this how did he know only these four had only one kosher sign how could man have known 3000 years ago what animals chewed their cud across the world and you see those are the only four animals that have one kosher sign

leviticus 11:3-7

2007-10-18 04:47:34 · 6 answers · asked by The Doctor 3

What do you belive is the FINAL Authority in all matters? Do not shim sham, answer the question directly, with a single answer.

The catholic church does not teach that the Bible (God's word) is the final word in all matters.

Why argue with these nuts, when they don't even believe the Bible is the final authority.

They teach the Church is the authority over God's word (blasphemy)
They teach the Pope has authority over God's word
(more blasphemy)

2007-10-18 04:47:03 · 20 answers · asked by brian 2

This question is for all religious denominations.
Thank you.

2007-10-18 04:41:42 · 17 answers · asked by benejueves 6

What other imaginary things do agnostics apply that logic to?

2007-10-18 04:41:25 · 23 answers · asked by NONAME 4

This is a 2 part question......

I am a Christian.....but this is open to atheists & believers alike.
I will not choose a best answer based on bias.......I will choose it based on content & overall honesty from you.

1) What do you think would happen in our society if all 9 Supreme Court justices were atheists?

2) Flip-side.....what would happen if all 9 were Christians?



2007-10-18 04:40:19 · 20 answers · asked by primoa1970 7

do we have to be in a coven to be accepted? I am an eclectic kitchen wiotch, and claim Wicca as my religion. That is what i have surmised from all my readings, here on the net. Please clarify, and no Wicca- bashing. Please.

2007-10-18 04:39:59 · 14 answers · asked by Dragonflygirl 7


2007-10-18 04:39:50 · 4 answers · asked by Mary S 2

in stead of calling us atheists why don't you just call us realists? i'm so sick of being defined by what i don't believe. i'd rather be defined by what i do believe. i believe in reality, which means anything that doesn't fall into the realm of reality, i.e. ogres, fairies, gremlins, or gods, is not part of my belief system. i don't want to be called an aogreist, an afairieiest, an agremlist, or an atheist. one word sums up all those and so many other disbeliefs in imaginary things that i can't prove don't exist, yet nobody can prove do exist. so from now on, would you please stop referring to me as an atheist?

2007-10-18 04:39:35 · 16 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

If everything God created was good then who created the devil???

2007-10-18 04:37:28 · 8 answers · asked by Ezekiel 1

In bullet points please

2007-10-18 04:37:13 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

A Zen master named Gisan asked a young student to bring him a pail of water to cool his bath.

The student brought the water and, after cooling the bath, threw on to the ground the little that was left over.

"You dunce!" the master scolded him. "Why didn't you give the rest of the water to the plants? What right have you to waste even a drop of water in this temple?"

The young student attained Zen in that instant. He changed his name to Tekisui, which means a drop of water.

2007-10-18 04:34:07 · 16 answers · asked by nacsez 6

Okay, the rules of the game are:

- You have to prove the existance of the Judeo-Christian God, not just a "creator".

- You may not logically contradict yourself.

- Bible quotes may only be used to prove the authenticity of the Bible as the word of God, not as proof for God.

- References for Bible quotes and facts are required.

- Religious experiences must be provable, without a doubt, that they are the work of the Judeo-Christian God.

- The word FAITH is forbidden.

Thanks to all those who answer.

*Please don't answer if you are going to criticise the question. It is only a bit of fun.

** I apologise for any spelling or gamatical errors.

2007-10-18 04:34:06 · 25 answers · asked by The Bassline Libertine 3

Both claim to have knowledge of something that is impossible to know for sure. Maybe there is a God and maybe there's not. How do you know for sure?

Both groups are equally idiotic.

2007-10-18 04:32:03 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

You've fleed from fundamentalism and found all the holes in the ideas that God wrote the Bible and it never changes and applies to modern living. You love the message of Jesus but you can see how similar his message is with many non-christian predecesors. You look for a church where this is acceptable but you don't see anyone that really 'does it for you' but you need to find a group of people that help you grow as a person and where you can help others. What do you think of starting a new church?

2007-10-18 04:30:58 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6

The question is, do I need to take a course of somekind to be a Godmother? The mother, who is a hard core catholic keeps on telling me I do, but, I just don't know if this is true or not. Please advise. Thank You.

2007-10-18 04:30:52 · 9 answers · asked by MG 1

Would this definition consider vegetarianism a religion?

Is not believing aliens made our universe a religion?

2007-10-18 04:29:09 · 25 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

i'm 1 point away from level 5...ohh wait, i asked a question, so now i'm 6 points away! ahhh LOL

2007-10-18 04:28:55 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an Atheist but I have read a fair bit (admittedly not all) of the bible so that I could come to an informed decision....anyway...

How do Chritians decide which parts of the bible are "real" and which are more like stories which we are meant to learn from? From what I know of the bible it doesn't actually differentiate between the two??

Also do Christians follow the bible to a t? For example there is a story about a man staying in an inn with his concubine and the villagers try to break into the inn to rape the man. The inn keeper begs them not too and instead offers them his virgin daughter along with the man concubine... this is supposed to teach us that man is superior to women and women must make sacrifices etc etc... and there other similar stories. Do Christian women follow this? Are they ok with that? Would they give up their daughter to protect their husbands??? And if you wouldn't.... why do you pick and choose which parts of the bible to follow?

2007-10-18 04:27:39 · 23 answers · asked by juicy_satsuma 3

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