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Religion & Spirituality - 16 October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I work with a woman who is quite Christian, and talks about God and her beliefs quite often in the office. I generally avoid discussing such taboo topics at work. When she heard from another co-worker that I am Athiest, she opted to confront me (kindly) about my lack of belief in God. Not wanting to continue the uncomfortable conversation, I simply told her that I have nothing against her choice of religion, but I personally find organized religion dangerous and choose not to follow. She was severely offended (?) and, from what I hear, is planning to report me to HR....what exactly did I do wrong here?

2007-10-16 03:27:38 · 45 answers · asked by Rachel-Pit Police-DSMG 6

if i said it was completely inspired by god, and it even claimed inside to be the actual word of god, would you believe me and follow the new bible?

why or why not?

2007-10-16 03:27:14 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think with our modern weapons and our love of life that we would be able to deafeat the Beasts, the four horseman, and Jesus from revelations and prevent him from committing genocide.

2007-10-16 03:26:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lately my spiritual walk with the Lord hasn't been too great.

My pastor taught in his sermon last Sunday that you have to read your Bible and pray daily to get closer to the Lord. And that you need to truly seek him to find his blessings.

But he didn't exactly say HOW you should seek him.

What does it mean to seek God?
And how do you begin to do so?

-- And if you're an atheist, please refrain from answering.

2007-10-16 03:23:45 · 20 answers · asked by Jason The Great 6

You don't see ex Baptists or ex Lutherines or ex Budists. Is there some similar experience thet we have that we feel the calling to warn others about?

2007-10-16 03:23:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-16 03:22:32 · 24 answers · asked by xunsunghero 2

When I was in Sunday school we learned all about how god killed everyone on the planet except for Noah and his ark. Then we learned about how god killed all the first born sons of Egypt to punish one man. Then we learned how he destroyed a city and turned a lady in a pile of salt.

Then I went to highschool and learned how tiny mutations in animals over time can lead to the formation of new species. No one was murdered in the process. It was refreshing.

2007-10-16 03:22:15 · 15 answers · asked by alf_charles 1

what you find of this?

It is with God!!!

2007-10-16 03:19:32 · 14 answers · asked by Jesus te ama! 4

Ether 12: 27 And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.

2007-10-16 03:19:28 · 9 answers · asked by plastik punk -Bottom Contributor 6

I don't think so as long as you try and live your life by the 10 commandments. We all sin, of course, but I'd like to hear what others think about this one...serious answers only please.

2007-10-16 03:17:39 · 74 answers · asked by bazimme 3

Do you believe in abortion & why? I personally dont, I consider it murder. I hate hearing "well its not really a baby yet" ....uh yes it was, it is wasnt really a baby yet then you werent pregnant!!! I believe at least let the baby live and put it up for adoption, dont kill it before it has a chance at life. I know God doesnt approve of abortion, but setting God aside, It's morally wrong.
Thoughts anyone?

2007-10-16 03:14:03 · 24 answers · asked by footinmouth3 1

A few years ago after morning feild services arrangements,a sis. friend stood up holding unto 2 shoulder bags and 1 hand bag,I asked what she was doing with all the bags,she explaned the 3 and I said that there are 5.After some friendly argument I pointed out the 5 were 3 in her hands and one under each eye . When she stopped laughing all 3 bags were used to pound me up over the stairs and out the door,with a promise not to invite me over to her house for any more of her scrumpdillyish meals.And she lays out a wicked table believe me.~~lol--Now was she mean or was I mean.

2007-10-16 03:11:56 · 10 answers · asked by hunter 6

Those who study the bible even a little know why I suggest 14 Commandments over 10.

2007-10-16 03:10:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just curious here.

Are you offended that we are considered mammals just because we've got mammory glands - one of the defining quality of mammals - or are you okay with it?

2007-10-16 03:09:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many of you DO believe 100%?

if not, why do you continue to argue?

heres the q with the post in the answer...


2007-10-16 03:08:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-10-16 03:08:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

22 “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, New King James Version from biblegateway.com)

2007-10-16 03:06:12 · 16 answers · asked by thankful 4

A lot of people try to get the story of creation into science classes by calling it "intelligent design" and claiming it has no basis in religion. I'm wondering, however, how you could separate it from religion. If there is some all powerful designer out there, wouldn't it have to be a deity just to have the power to design? So doesn't that place the "theory" firmly in the realm of religion? I suppose it could be a deity for which no specific religion has been created, but if we knew about said deity someone would make a religion about it. Whatever god you decide was the designer you still have to include a god in the "theory," so where is that distinction from religion?

And where was the science again?

2007-10-16 03:05:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you guys think this is possible/plausible?

As time passes, the debates become more intense. Politics,economics,education,communication,entertainment,and many more facets of human society become more and more entangled in the conflict. The number of people who have considered Secularism have increased substantially. The intensity of fanaticism have skyrocketed. The self-proclaimed "mainstreams" persecute unbelievers and minor beliefs alike, proclaiming that they are the "chosen ones", even though they have done more atrocities to mankind than a wig has strands of hair. Meanwhile, a SINGLE group, out of thousands of ideologies finally has the answer and the evidence to back it up; however, their words fall on deaf ears. Both the "Over"zealous fanatics and the "overly"doubtful sub-faction of the unbelievers don't even bother taking a look at this solution, due to their over jadedness towards other ideologies.

The seculars request a "peaceful" discussion with the "fanatics", but the pretentious leader of the fanatics, knowing that their wrong beliefs have no solid foundation, decline the request. This came to the Seculars as proof of the falseness of "all" belief systems. Interestingly, they didn't bother listening to what "the others" had to say, believing that "all" belief systems are similar and some of these beliefs are considered BY THE FANATICS(WHO BY THE WAY CONSIDER THEMSELVES AS THE TRUE ONES) AS JUST SECTS, SEPARATISTS & CULTS, eventhough NOT all of these beliefs are Truly branches but actually originated without the help of other groups. This led the Seculars to believe that "since the mainstream IS WRONG, then the others ARE ALSO wrong." As the grudges become heavier, assasssinations, arson, murder, discrimination, persecution, bombings and other crimes arise. Some groups have considered themselves superior humans and are are claiming to be near the next step in human evolution.

It finally broke into a full scale war. The Fanatics, believing that all nonbelievers must be cleansed,the Scientific Body(an organization composed of the "above humans" and the most violent members of the Secular side.) beliveing that it would be more favorable for all of the "homos" to have a single ideology which will make it more efficient for society to function let alone reduce conflict. Both factions will use all means possible to win.

Meanwhile the ones in the middle form an organization that wants to end this "Great Ideological War". Unlike the others, they listen "TO EVERY SINGLE OPINION, GREAT OR SMALL", thus they are not blinded by bias. They have learned their lessons through watching the other factions fight and slay each other. Fortunately, the group that found the truth AND the evidence have found a listening ear in this faction. They tought all they knew about the truth. Through this event, the neutrals realized that they must share this gift "THROUGH PEACEFUL MEANS ONLY." They tought the truth to the others, but alas, some have set their heart/mind on what they fight for while others just wasn't able to take it in. The ones who didn't accept the truth were still treated kindly by the neutrals, some accepted this act of kindness while others retreated to the borderlands and lived there.

The war took a heavy toll, many were lost.

It ended through a peaceful way, but you really just can't convince everybody. The majority of the unconvinced ones accepted the neutral's kind offer while some hated the neutrals to the core and have retreated, plotting their revenge against the ones who, ironically, want the best for them.

It's really a happy yet sad conclusion.

So, is it plausible/possible in real life?

2007-10-16 03:04:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

they think they know everything about life
they expect others to believe in what they belive
yesterday i told these 2 guys i dont believe in god and they were like then who created you? i was like my parents
but foreals nobody knows who creatred human beings and its definatley not god!!! cuhz who created him? hmmm???
so retarded ppl like that.. u need to stfu!!! cuhz noone has the same believes as u!!

2007-10-16 03:02:34 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

If jesus was bnorn on 25th December, why dont we celebrate the new year on this day?

2007-10-16 03:00:46 · 19 answers · asked by collieod 1

"If the Christian has discovered a new means of perception, I am perfectly willing to listen to his claim, provided that he is willing to argue for his assertion...I will not limit him to five senses, but he claims to have experienced God, but refuses to explain the process by which he experienced this supernatural being. Has he discovered a new sense? Can it be tested? Can he explain, not only what he claims to know, but how he acquired this knowledge?"

((George H. Smith))

2007-10-16 03:00:45 · 11 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

For the last 15 years or so I've wanted to be accepted by the Lord and accept him into my heart.
Every night I pray that I'll be able to believe in him, but I still don't 100%. What can I do in order to believe?
I'm so scared and terrified and petrified as I know that if you don't believe in god you go to Hell and burn in perpetuity.

2007-10-16 02:59:35 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-16 02:55:37 · 14 answers · asked by metanoia 3

Don't the tenets of each disagree with each other? How are people able to combine them?

2007-10-16 02:53:49 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

"....According to the Tannaïte Rabbis, MOSES therefore had ordered the Israelites to kill all women older than three years and a day, because they were [virgins and] "suitable for having sexual relations." [138]...."

Under God's direction, Moses' army defeats the Midianites. They kill all the adult males, but take the women and children captive as sex slaves. When Moses learns that they left some alive, he angrily says: "Have you saved all the women alive? Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." So they went back and did as Moses instructed, killing everyone except for the virgins. In this way they got 32,000 virgins . ----(Numbers 31:1-54)


"While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was discovered gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who caught him at it brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly. But they kept him in custody, for there was no clear decision as to what should be done with him.

Then the Lord said to Moses, "This man shall be put to death; let the whole community stone him outside the camp."

So the whole community led him outside the camp and stoned him to death as the Lord had commanded Moses." Numbers 15:32-36 NAB


2007-10-16 02:52:33 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

As recent scholarship has shown, both Protestants and secularists, from the sixteenth century to the present, have wildly exaggerated the evils of the Inquisition in order to further their own ends, creating straw demons of Inquisitors and popes alike. Sadly, these errors have been repeated so often that they have become “facts.”
Although such exaggerations have made “facts” from fiction, there is some truth about abuses that Catholics must admit. Unrepentant men found guilty of heresy were handed over to the State for punishment, even though Church authorities did not always agree with the punishments inflicted. We must realize that in handing over the condemned heretic to the secular power, the Church knowingly was handing over the condemned for punishments ranging from imprisonment to burning at the stake.

2007-10-16 02:52:16 · 10 answers · asked by Robin 3

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