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Religion & Spirituality - 28 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

No chit, as I grow older, I look better and better. Females find me irresistable and I often want to go with them.
To make matters worse, my appetite for physical gratification has increased over the years - it's suppose to wane with age; in fact it did for a while but over the past 5 years, it has increased. My partner however is not into the physical side of the relationship as before.
I so yearn to take up the various invitations but dare not as fornication with females unlawful to me is strictly forbidden.
Why is God testing me this way - it's torture?

2007-08-28 02:25:37 · 13 answers · asked by Qi 3

They believe this because they WANT to believe it. It is a form of positive thinking, and sometimes positive thinking works. But to attribute something to a God just because it went right is irrational, and seems a little crazy to the non-believer. And crazy people can be dangerous. Some Christians kill abortion doctors, commit suicide with their followers, attack those of a different sexual persuasion and go on gun rampages. Now most Christians don't do those things, but when they show irrational conduct, one cannot help but react as you react if you meet someone who is drunk or on drugs. It is the instinct for self-survival. The Christians could avoid this situation by keeping their explanation of their positive thinking to themselves. I suspect many are too stubborn and enjoy disturbing people with their eccentricity, so we are stuck with those who insist on thinking that "God" did it, and want to tell the world.But don't complain if people react and think you are dangerous!

2007-08-28 02:25:10 · 11 answers · asked by americanhero_aa 2

I stay home with my kids because I think a parent should. Not a woman, a parent. I have had three kids, granted one was a set of twins, but still. I do not plan on doing this forever, but my point is my staying at home has nothing to do with being a "help meet" or a woman or even a Christian (since I'm not) Its a choice as a PARENT. Why do people make it about status as a gender?

2007-08-28 02:25:01 · 22 answers · asked by ~Heathen Princess~ 7

2007-08-28 02:24:30 · 2 answers · asked by narendirsingh 2

I grew Catholic, and never understood this . . . some of the vestments were kind of silly, but all the ceremonial (non-skull cap) hats worn by bishops, archbishops, cardinals (especially cardinals!) and the pope seem over-the-top silly, not to mention impractical. After all, they are rather easily knocked off by disrespectful hand-slapping, or a sudden gust of wind . . .

(no, I don't know the proper names for those silly hats . . . )

any Biblical justification, for those in the know?


2007-08-28 02:21:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please give reasons for your answer, including any scriptural support you might have.


2007-08-28 02:20:25 · 11 answers · asked by Carlito 3

Do you know more than they do?

Does reading a Michael Behe, Duane Gish or a Kent Hovind book make you an expert?

Do you realize that those people have NO respect in the scientific community because they are LIARS who INGNORE FACTS and misrepresent truths?

Does reading a book by a "journalist" (Lee Strobel) give you licence to write off evolution?

Shouldn't we let scientists do science? They don't come to your job and tell you what you're doing wrong. They don't know enough about what you do to criticize.

Serious answers only.

2007-08-28 02:20:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't get it. Why are you allowed to skip out on biology class just because you disagree with something they teach. I could say I disagree with algebra based on my religious principals...would that get me out of class too?

2007-08-28 02:19:10 · 21 answers · asked by Smee 1

And had a party?
I had the idea after watching a very re-ran, rerun of M.A.S.H.
My concept is simple.
We all meet in another place, Some website or chat room,even some other catergory.
And for 24 hours we all be nice to each other.
No questions about religion.
No calling people moron.
No bad things said about anyones religious orientation or who is right and who is wrong.
No name calling or slander.
For one day I would like to see R&S regulars as people.
We could talk about the weather or sport or flowre picking or favourite beer.
Would you be interested?
After that one day...... The gloves are off and it's a free for all again?
Any takers?
I will email anybody wishing to give this a try .
Please star your friends/ contacts if you think this could be fun or a viable thing.

2007-08-28 02:18:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I didn't realize I was brainwashed , until I reasearch and got out of it..which took many years . I now ask them a lot of question on here trying to get them to see things in a different light..and realize that they are being mislead. My question ..Why do I feel bad about asking them tough questions and start to almost feel guilty again..when I know I am right..How long does it take to let go of the brainwashing..Its like it is always lingering. I don't like it..and I resent the fact that this has happen to me.

2007-08-28 02:15:47 · 22 answers · asked by angel 2

GOD created man and woman for seperate purposes. Man is the primary breadwinner, woman is his helpmeet. What is so scary about that? Why do women reject the idea of submission to men if it is in God's plan??

2007-08-28 02:15:26 · 32 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

will Jesus still listen if I have cookie in my mouf?


2007-08-28 02:14:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-28 02:11:43 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is something I have noticed both in the U.S. and Middle East, and I hope to hear Muslims respond to this one. Should be interesting...lol.

2007-08-28 02:09:10 · 8 answers · asked by cl_klavon 1

Please tell me how i should react and respond to the few of your faith who continually abuse, threaten, ridicule,harrass, and treat us Pagans with disrespect?
Please tell those of us who will not stoop to their level- how do you think we should deal with this situation, when it has gone on for so long and is getting impossible to ignore?
I ask this question with respect, i hope you can see that- i just want to know how to stop these few from offending us continually.Thank you for taking the time to respond.

2007-08-28 02:06:15 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

and goofy avatars? Taking a poll. Be kind, we're all guilty of this.

2007-08-28 02:05:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous



2007-08-28 02:05:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, I'm concerned... 16 year old goes to public school, raised in a Christian home, yet refused to take HS Biology because they will cover evolution... about 3 weeks out of the entire year course!
I'm a practicing Christian, a teacher, and a mom. Is this nuts or is it just me?? Biology is so much more than evolution and it's an essential part of our education.

2007-08-28 02:03:52 · 39 answers · asked by usafbrat64 7

The other day I was carrying bags of groceries in both hands and as I approached the door of my house I thought, it would be nice to have a tail that could reach out and turn that doorknob, the kind of a tail monkeys have. If evolution is true, why did I lose my tail? It doesn't make sense and I feel shortchanged!
Evolutionists, please explain.

Serious answers only please.

2007-08-28 02:03:30 · 16 answers · asked by Mutations Killed Darwin Fish 7

Isnt it sin to shove these adds?

2007-08-28 02:02:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello~ i was just wondering if you have seen any pagans on here that you have any respect for? Who? and how have they earned your respect?Please share! - thank you.

2007-08-28 02:01:36 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

whats the use of a bulb,if there is no line to it?

2007-08-28 01:58:18 · 9 answers · asked by retep 2

tell me the difference .....dot points

2007-08-28 01:58:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-28 01:53:08 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

FOX tv = 666 on this numerology chart which is also related to the do's and donts of christianity
9 I R

2007-08-28 01:48:18 · 5 answers · asked by Kanis 2

Make sure you don't pick up the toast because you might drop it like its hot? Sounds good eh?

2007-08-28 01:47:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just noticed there has not been on here someone
saying does Atheists does Misery love company?
Did that person get sick or something?
Or did Stephen King take legal action?
I hated that question it was so annoying.

2007-08-28 01:46:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

When somebody makes a large dinner and someone says, "This is enough food to feed an army"

Did this originate from the time Jesus fed an army of 5,000?

2007-08-28 01:45:42 · 23 answers · asked by Bad Boy 300 3

Cry me a river?

"I have not heard Muslim leaders come out and condemn those Muslims who commit mass murder in the name of their God. If they are truly relegion of peace this is the time for them to speak."

The pope was right to say what he has said and
for such a peaceful religion the followers of Islam have a tendency to use “the threat of violence” when they don’t like what they hear.

If Muslims were as quick to publicly condemn the suicide bombers who cowardly kill and maim in the name of Islam, then maybe we'd start taking other things they whinge about more seriously.

Its ok for Islam to print, say and spread anti christian and anti semetic propaganda. As soon as someone writes a book, says anything or even draws a cartoon even remotely anti Islamic, the death threats and the bombings and the looting and sacking of embassies etc starts.

Here we go again! Dare to say anything which could be construed as criticism of Islam, and the usual bandwagon of vilification and hatred gets underway.

Why not wonder "why do people see us in this light; why do people say such things about us?" and seek to change perceptions?!

By giving the usual reaction, Muslims merely reinforce the stereotypical view - it perpetuates the vicious circle.
With all the ongoing crisis in the middle east, as far as I can see, the quote makes a valid point.

If Muslim world's anger can simply be aroused by a quote, it's probably time to get some anger management.

I am DEEPLY tired of the islamics throwing their hands up in horror every time someone even remotely criticises their religion, and yet they feel it is okay to savage anyone (figuratively and literally) that is not of their faith.

Tolerance works both ways; if they want non-islamics to accept them, then maybe they should try to accept that not every living thing wants to be a muslim.

'No real effort to understand Islam'. Oh boo-hoo-hoo. Since when was the onus suddenly on everyone else to understand Islam? People make judgements based on what they see and experience over time. What else is there to understand? Sounds like a spoilt teenager wailing 'no one understands me, I'm so special and unique'. Why doesn't Islam make more effort to understand why a fair number of people dislike it so much?

Instead of Muslims attacking the Pope on his statement, they should be stopping the terrorist groups etc. Why can Muslims sit back and say nothing about attacks in the west but shout with anger when someone questions there way of spreading Islam. Moderate muslims have to choose the sword or democracy there is no in between.
Simple question: Do records show that Mohammed did say something along these lines? Given how he behaved, the answer is probably yes.

Yet again, Muslims are trying to rewrite their own violent history, shutting down any *factual* discussion of history by pretending to be offended rather than countering arguments with facts and getting us to give up our own valuable freedom of speech.
I am not surprised that the Muslims are complaining, all they do. Even historical quotes seem to ruffle there feathers. Yet when they say anything about Christianity or the West we just sit there and take it.

They can only dish out criticism not take it.
How about all the scum that rant and rave on our streets about how evil the West is and openly rejoice in the events of 9/11, retract all their statements?

Once again the Muslims/Islam are having another cry about some words someone has said. This shows how weak Islam is as a religion, say or draw something and they get upset BORING. My faith and beliefs in my own religon transend any petty words or drawings....
Time for Islam to grow up and become part of the world community that we live in....

He was mentioning an historical fact. Islam is the only world religion who's so called "prophet of peace" spread his word by the sword. Did Jesus or Buddha ever take up arms and resort to violence? No. Any religion that leaves room for interpretation of violence, justifies suicide bombing and advocates the repression of women cannoty be viewed as a religion of peace. If Muslims wish us to view thier religion as peaceful then they need to learn tolerance of other views and stop their murdering.

Surely Islam's ridiculously disproportionate response to things such as this and the Mohammed cartoons will only tarnish Islam's image yet further?

For heavens sake. The muslims are upset AGAIN. Are these people really that childish and insecure that every single comment upsets them.
Wouldn't it be so nice to have even a couple of days out from this constant whingeing. What offends most here is that our lives are constantly dominated by this nonsense. Why don't these people grow up

2007-08-28 01:36:07 · 20 answers · asked by wzr5gq20032000 1

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