First off, here's a link to the passage:;&version=50;
I've noticed a recurring theme of 'body and spirit' throughout the passage: in vs. 34, and with vs. 3=spirit & vs. 4=body when talking about the marriage relationship. Looking at the context, chapter 6 just finished talking about glorifying God in body and in spirit, and I think that passage is very deeply connected with this one.
Anyhow, my question is, do you think that the 'burn with passion' (in vs. 9) is speaking of just physical lust or possibly emotional/relational lust as well?
Here's a link to the definition of the original Greek word used:
It just means 'burn.' I take that to imply something out of control, something that is being consumed by the out-of-control process. Nothing necessarily implies a solely physical lack of control. What are your thoughts on this?
11 answers
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Free Ranger