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Religion & Spirituality - 3 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Did he not read of all the tasks of that one prophisied about?
The kiss.
The thirty pieces.
The rope from the dead donkey.
Didn't he know these things since he was a kid?

Was Jesus not instructing him as to his purpose when he reached into the bread bowl with him?

Didn't Judas fulfil more prophecy than all of the other 12 combined?

What do you think?

2007-07-03 04:11:07 · 7 answers · asked by CaliWilli 2

I received this from a friend , and thought I'd share it.

Retirement Planning -
If you had purchased $1000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, it
would now be worth $49.00.
With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original
With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left.
With Lucent, you would have $3.50 left of the original $1000.00.
But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drank all the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminium recycling REFUND
you would have had $214.00.
Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to
drink heavily and recycle.
It's called the 401-Keg Plan.

( the drinking heavy may not be a good idea ! )

2007-07-03 04:07:43 · 11 answers · asked by Israel-1 6

I've heard so many atheists complain about having the word "God" in the Pledge of Alleigiance and "In God we trust" on our money, but at the same time many of them still use the exclamations "Oh my god" and "Jesus Christ." I simply want to know why it is ok coming out of their mouths if they are so mightily offended seeing it anywhere else.

2007-07-03 04:07:16 · 38 answers · asked by Sydney 6

God said if I have faith in Him all my sins will be forgiven.

So doesn't the fact I continue to sin prove I have faith in His promise?

If I doubted him, and thought that some/all of my sins would not be forgiven (despite his promise), then I might try to avoid sinning.

But why avoid it when He has promised to forgive me for it?

Aren't those who are trying to avoid sin proving they have no faith in God's promise?

2007-07-03 04:07:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why can't they live and let live, realising that everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs?

2007-07-03 04:01:25 · 15 answers · asked by Jerusalem Delivered 3

If a man who isn't jewish is drowning, if you save him you are commiting a sin . Is this true or is it just bull ?

2007-07-03 04:01:00 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

if no why not

2007-07-03 04:00:42 · 18 answers · asked by G.xi 1

You all need to get with it - I mean, it's all peace and love, right? Put on your glad rags and let yourself be free....

2007-07-03 04:00:29 · 9 answers · asked by Raven's Voice 5

2007-07-03 03:59:38 · 24 answers · asked by G.xi 1

Being an atheist means a free and clear mind. We do not allow our lives, morals, values and thoughts to be controlled by religious doctrine or beliefs. We think for ourselves and make rational, logical decisions for ourselves, our lives and our loved ones.
Did any of you start off religious and move to atheism? If so, did you feel the liberation like I did? I felt, almost literally, all the fear and worry just slide off me.
Do you feel that atheists have a deeper appreciation for the environment than religious people do? I surely do.
Do you feel that atheists have a deeper appreciation of natural beauty in each other and in nature? I do.
Do you ever look back on your religious life and shudder and say to yourself, "Wow, I was almost washed away in that mess!" I certainly do.
Share your thoughts, I'd love to hear them.

2007-07-03 03:59:29 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

we are a christian family that sees the world getting much worse much faster in teaching our children the wrong way to live (according to the bible).
I have never homeschooled before * but am willing to try if need be. Has anyone done both ?

oh by the way He is ADHD very active - that's the big decision split - i dont want to make things worse for him ;
but i do believe his salvation for eternity is more important than how many Presidents we've had.

Going to 5th grade* with MOM ?
thanks for info in advance

2007-07-03 03:58:22 · 26 answers · asked by Toni C *prayer is the answer 2

(on yahoo Q & A...)

and as part B of this question, would this have anything to do with the fact that Satan is making desperate (although lame) attempts to dis-credit it?

opinions please...

"God is Soveriegn!"

2007-07-03 03:56:50 · 25 answers · asked by redglory 5

2007-07-03 03:55:43 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why not give someone a compliment today?

Can be small such as 'nice job' or grand... Whatever. But why not make someone's day by giving a compliment?

2007-07-03 03:55:09 · 15 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

I'm directing this mainly at Christians because my question assumes a belief in God, but non-Christians are welcome to answer if you feel you have something to contribute.

My question is: what do you think about open theism? I'm a fan of it although I'm still developing exactly where I stand on a lot of the issues. Do you think it compromises the soverignty of God? If you disagree with it, why? What Biblical concept does it contradict, if any?

A lot of what we believe isn't actually in the Bible, it's a product of hundreds of years of theology building on itself, and I think that's where we get into a lot of troube with questions from non-believers. I see open theology as a return to what the Bible actually says...do you disagree?

Oh, and if you don't know what open theism is, here's a bit of education:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Theism for a basic overview
http://www.opentheism.info/pages/information/ if you're more interested in reading about it in depth

2007-07-03 03:53:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've noticed that I know a lot more about the bible, how the canon was developed, the historic biblical era, and the development of the christian church since I walked into the light of atheism.

So far, I've noticed that in the various "you're going to burn in hell" emails that I receive from time to time that when I press some of these christians, they know very little about the bible and how it developed into scripture.

Some simple questions like why does John (the last gospel written) change the date of the crucifixion from the synoptic gospels. I think that if more people reviewed the history of christianity that we would have more atheists.

Your thoughts?

2007-07-03 03:53:23 · 19 answers · asked by JerseyRick 6

Im sorry if i spelled that wrong for one
and for number two
it confuses me


2007-07-03 03:50:41 · 5 answers · asked by luvlygurl4god13 2

2007-07-03 03:49:55 · 16 answers · asked by Quantrill 7

Banish one of these, either the son of God (Jesus) or our sun in the sky to oblivion for all time and forever, never to be heard, seen or thought of ever again. Personally for me, the sun would be preserved and the other would occupy oblivion forever. Please give the why of your choice if you can.

Human life and life in general are more valuable to me
than any God, no matter what name we give it.

2007-07-03 03:49:27 · 12 answers · asked by zurioluchi 7

I have been previously married and divorced, then I re-married a Catholic man (I am not Catholic). I did not get an annullment from the Catholic church prior to marrying my second husband, so I assume the Catholic church does not recognize our marriage, and therefore considers our child illegitimate??

2007-07-03 03:48:58 · 22 answers · asked by julesl68 5

James 2:14-26

14What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him? 15Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? 17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
18But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds."
Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

The above scripture shows James comparing his faith with that of other Christians. James claims that if other Christians want to prove to him (James) that they have faith, they must show good works.

But who cares whether James believes in one's faith or not? James is not our judge. God is, and God looks into the heart to find faith, not at good works.

God doesn't really care what we do, he'll forgive every sin as long as the sinner has faith.

2007-07-03 03:48:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been on for 20 minutes, and seen no fewer than 3 questions trying to rationalize away atheism. What gives?

2007-07-03 03:47:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

God supposedly knows all things past, present and future; therefore, he willingly and knowingly creates a soul that will end up in Hell.

Forget freewill. You can choose to do good or evil, but if God knows all things, then he already knows that you will choose evil before you have even chosen it.

2007-07-03 03:44:11 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

The word just appeared in my head while praying to the Holy Spirit. I've never heard the word before tonight.

2007-07-03 03:43:53 · 8 answers · asked by okielvis 1

or an open minded believer, would you be considered agnostic?

Or at least partially agnostic?

2007-07-03 03:43:34 · 27 answers · asked by Antares 6

If piss is yellow, then life must be grey
How come they smile when we throw it away
And if it is a colour than it must be sin
And you want to apologise but keep it in
Why worship a god when a mother is a saint
Why worship stone
They give life and take it back
Spit you out but understand

And when their arms are dead how do they sigh
As gentle as the winter that fades by
And some kind of angel appears in her eyes
Or is it just the devil screaming inside
Why give into useless devotion
Truth and beauty, love and hate, mother and god
They give life and take it back
Spit you out but understand
Stay silent when you want to shout
Give, give when we piss it away

-"Are Mothers Saints" - Manic Street Preachers

2007-07-03 03:42:59 · 6 answers · asked by zeppelin_roses 4

My question would be, why do humans hate each other so much.?

2007-07-03 03:41:03 · 29 answers · asked by The exclamation mark 6

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