human slavery is embraced and endorsed both by the koran and the hadith. slave girls and what your right hand posseses is mentioned in several places in the koran, as we all know. muslims say that in time of war that when one side loses the battle its o.k. to take women and girls, rape them and sell them into slavery. so as anyone can see, the jews are not following the rules of war set by allah and the prophet. if the jews decide to follow the muslims and start to take muslim slave girls and rape them until they tire of them. where can they sell them? infidel countries ,the u.s.a. mostly ,pressured saudia arabia to outlaw slavery in 1962. only two countries allow slavery today and they are both hostile to isreal. the quran 2:256 there is no compulsion in religion or q9:29 fight those who do not profess the true faith[islam] tell they pay the poll tax with the hand of humility. q8:65 o apostle!rouse the believers to fight the unbelievers. q2:19 q9:5 q47:4 q2:191. apostates die
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