Is there an "evolution" gene that's deeply embedded in our DNA that causes us to gradually "mutate" over time? I mean is evolution set on a primordial timer, to where humanity starts "mutating" the more we have babies -- the more our "evolution" gene gets passed along through the ages? Like a domino effect.
Exactly at which point in existence, will humanity, as a whole, start "mutating"? .....Into 7-headed, crawfish? (lol)
...Joking aside, let's say I've "fathered" many babies, passing my "evolution" gene along to all of them, and they in turn have kids of their own, passing the gene swiftly along to the next batch of "generational mutants" -- At some point down the line, EVENTUALLY, who will be the "lucky" individual to display "obvious" signs of an evolutionary "advancement"? Who will be the lucky individual to display evolution's primordial handywork?
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Loathe thy neighbor.