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This should have been one of the questions from when I was on that quest!!

If you can answer this question, Letter' rip...... then ask yourself if the answer makes any sense.

Powerful Member of the House of Light.

2007-02-15 07:40:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

In other words, Why is it that just being "good" is not sufficient for God?

In order to understand why just being "good" is insufficient; you would need to understand the concept of a perfectly holy and righteous being. Such a being would hate ALL sin and would be bound by the being's perfectly just nature to render judgment for the unjust. Just as we expect justice in this world, albeit imperfect at times, so does this being, God. Fortunately, a perfect being like God will render perfect justice, too.

While it is hard to hear, there are none righteous in the perfect God's eyes, even the "innocent children" or "good" people.

So how is a perfect God's demand for justice for sin reconciled with our own imperfections? Here we find that God came up with a perfect solution. He became flesh, lived a perfect life, and acted as our representatives in God the Father's court of justice. There He was judged and crucified, carrying all the past and future world's sins with his crucifixion. God the Son, Christ, became our sin bearer and we need only acknowledge that sacrifice to be made "justified" in God's eyes and in God's demand for justice for sin.

Think of it this way. Your son does something like breaking a neighbor's window. Yet your son is too young to be made to pay for his crime. Society demands that the parent then act in the son's role and pay for these crimes. Likewise, God the Father allows God the Son to be humankind's representative. Christ paid the price for us all; it is there in the justice bank of God. We need only claim our "share" of that account's balance and present ourselves to God.

I have simplified much of the doctrines behind these concepts. I suggest you do some careful study of the attributes of God to digest these hard sayings. Start with some basic introductions to theology, especially the attributes of a perfect being (God) and go from there.

2007-02-15 07:47:58 · answer #1 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 1 0

Jewish sacrifices atoned for sin.Atone means to cover.Jesus took sin away completely.He was the perfect one.No one else could die for us because no one else is perfect.
The sins of all mankind are taken away ,but only if you accept Him as your savior.The passover teaches what is to come in the future.That's why the lamb was to be without spot or blemish...perfect.No one can be sacrificed for Adam's sin except a perfect being.No one is perfect but God.Since God is Spirit it 's kinda hard to kill Him.So He had to come and be born sinlessly in human flesh.That's the importance of the Virgin Birth.So that God's blood(so to speak) flowed through his veins and not a son of Adam.Then He was baptised and tempted so that He could relate to man ,and went to the cross willingly.The only thing He abhorred was the fact that He would have to take on the sins into His sinless body even for a short time.
Yes,it makes all the sense in the world.I'm a big dope,and I get it ,how about you?

2007-02-15 15:56:09 · answer #2 · answered by AngelsFan 6 · 0 0

Ransom: A price paid to buy back or to bring about release form some obligation or undesirable circumstances. The most significant ransom price is that of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. By paying over the value of that ransom in heaven, Jesus opened the way for Adams offspring's to be delivered from the sin and death that we all inherit because of the sin of our forefather Adam.

Adam was a perfect man, so there had to a perfect sacrifice. Jesus was a perfect human, He was born without any blemish of sin and he maintained that perfection throughout his life. "he committed no sin. He was "undefiled separated from the sinners,"

1Pet. 2:22; Heb. 7:26

Rom 5:12 " Through on man (Adam) sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned." (no matter how uprightly we May live, all of us are sinners from birth. Ps. 51:5 There is no way that we can earn the right to live forever.

Rom. 6:23 " The wages sin pays is death."

Because of Jesus giving his life for all mankind, we have the opportunity to have everlasting live here on earth living in paradise

2007-02-15 16:16:44 · answer #3 · answered by Vivimos en los Ultimos Dias 5 · 0 0

The Lord put all sin from the beginning to the end on Jesus, He had to even turn His face from His own Son just because He could not look on sin...

2007-02-15 15:47:45 · answer #4 · answered by *Spotless* 3 · 0 0

Adam sinned and the whole race inherited sin from him. He was the representative for the whole race. When God sent Jesus, He was the second Adam who represented the whole race. When Christ died, He made it possible for our sin to be forgiven. By trusting in Him, we no longer have to be a slave to sin.

2007-02-15 15:49:16 · answer #5 · answered by Fish <>< 7 · 0 0

He suffered for all our sins, pains, sorrows, etc. It was an infinite sacrifice, that only a god could perform, and only someone who had committed no sin and hence, deserved no punishment, could carry out on our behalf.

2007-02-15 15:44:42 · answer #6 · answered by Open Heart Searchery 7 · 0 0

if its looked at from a legal standpoint ... mankind sinned and became under the devils jurisdiction .... Jesus came into the world and did not sin and had no sin inborn into himself .. therefore when He was killed it was illegal by the same laws and undid the curse of sin ...

2007-02-15 15:46:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Thanks and two thumbs up to askmrrel's response. I have trouble with this one and the idea of a parent doing retrubution for the child too younf to take responsibility really helps my understanding.

...Actually yahoo only lets me give you one thumbs up, so that is all I can give.

2007-02-15 15:52:40 · answer #8 · answered by G's Random Thoughts 5 · 0 0

Read the book of leviticus and the old testament;then come back and ask again.

2007-02-15 15:44:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ok well the only way to look at this is biblically, so bear with me as we walk through this.

All along since Adam and Eve, when there was sin there was death. When they ate off the tree of knowledge they realized they were naked and tried to cover themselves with leaves. God killed an animal to cover them. He killed something to cover their sin. During this time God first spoke of Christ in Genesis 3:15 (I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." ) so this is the begining. There are many other passages where Christ is prophesised in the OT (here is a web site that list them http://www.columbia.edu/cu/augustine/a/messiah.html)

Ok so then we have to look at what is the penalty for sin. We saw how God sacrificed an animal to cover it, but ultimately what is the penalty? Romans 6:23 says For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. When Adam and Eve sinned they were sent from the garden and no longer allowed to eat of the tree of life so they were given physical death, but sin also seperates us from eternal life. God is holy and if we have sin upon our soul He cannot be in our presence. So if we want to be with Him for all eternally we have to either live sinless, something we are not capable of because the knowledge of good and evil has been passed down since Adam and Eve, or we have to find a way to absolve our sin or remove it.

So how is sin absolved? Leviticus 17:11 tells us 'For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.' So we have to have blood spilled to atone. And in order for it to do any good it must be innocent blood. Otherwise they are just paying for their own sin. In the OT they were taught to make sacrifices, and they did as an act of obedience, but even they knew a Messiah was coming.

So how does Jesus save us? Well because Jesus is Gods Son He had the ability to live a sinless life on earth. So God allowed Him to be our sacrifice. He allowed all the sins of the world, past, present, and future to be laid upon Jesus. Jesus sacrificed Himself. He has all the power of God, He could have destroyed all those who spoke against Him, but He gave Himself. His life given freely as a sacrifice allowed us the oppourtunity to have our sin wiped away. Ephesians 1:7 says In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace

So then we have to look at how can we have the salvation Christ offered us from the cross. How can His death wipe away YOUR sin?

Romans 10:13
"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved!"

Romans 10:9,10
"...If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."

Revelation 3:20a
"Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him..."

So we have to realize that we are not perfect, that we have sinned and are in need of a savior. We have to understand and believe that Jesus is the only one who can be our savior. And we have to call out to God in Jesus name asking for forgiveness, and asking God to have dominion over your life.

Hope some of this helps. If you have any other questions feel free to email.

2007-02-15 15:45:21 · answer #10 · answered by micheletmoore 4 · 0 2

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