Why did he create us with the ability to lie, cheat, decieve, lie, kill, hate, etc. Why did he allow his creations the ability to go against his will. Why did make adam and eve so different than him? I don't understand why he Made Adam and Eve. And make them with the ability to commit sin. If God would have made us in his own image then it would have been impossible for Adam and Eve to commit sin. But he didn't. Why did God create us so imperfect? Or did he truely create us in his own image which means God can also lie and decieve. So God Created us Imperfect or as his own image. Which is it. If he created us imperfect which we are then that is cruel. If he created us like him then why is he so mad that we sin, because we are like him imperfect. Why create a imperfect being expecting them to be better than you. That is cruel. For a God to create a being saying be perfect or you will burn for ever, when in fact he can't even be perfect to me is crazy.
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