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Religion & Spirituality - 20 July 2006

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It would give us an added insight into Him as many Christians (the open minded ones) would be curious about what his life was like. Was His young life like many others in His time? Like where did He go, what did He do. Did He do a lot of traveling on a ship with His uncle Joseph,. did He travel to Egypt, India, and elsewhere? Did He continue to work as a carpenter after His earthly father died? How did He feel about His two older sisters Lydia and Lysia who were adults when He was born? And other questions.

2006-07-20 13:29:07 · 17 answers · asked by ZORRO 3

as you do in Allah and Mohammed? Can we not agree to understand these differences and accept them and live in peace?

2006-07-20 13:28:36 · 13 answers · asked by spunky_blonde_nurse 2

2006-07-20 13:27:51 · 4 answers · asked by umimthinkin 1

whats your opinion?????????????????/

2006-07-20 13:27:10 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think you are walking the road as Christ would have you? "The greatest of these is love." Are you fufilling that or do you have a long way to go? I definitely have a long way to go but I am struggling and in the struggle I am learning and meeting many beautiful people. Including some whom I would not have thought to learn from.

2006-07-20 13:26:43 · 16 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

2006-07-20 13:26:10 · 17 answers · asked by Ivy 3

Does not this type of military action go against Christ's teaching of "Turn the Other Cheek" ?

How can Christians justify this type of Military action ?

2006-07-20 13:25:16 · 14 answers · asked by Joe_Pardy 5

When the bible tells us to "love your Lord God with all your...," sometimes it lists mind, heart, soul, and strength- but it doesn't always name each one. Why does it exclude one in some verses? Is it just the writer's choice, or is there a deeper, more informative answer? If so, what is it?

2006-07-20 13:24:24 · 6 answers · asked by E 2

Is this group, at its core a Christian sect? Do they proselytize?

2006-07-20 13:22:48 · 6 answers · asked by kobacker59 6

or just angels in general.

2006-07-20 13:21:46 · 20 answers · asked by werewolfpixie 5

Example: Johnny Eats Sexy Ursula's Stroganoff

2006-07-20 13:20:46 · 13 answers · asked by Really S 1

do christians also believe that jesus talked when he was just a newborn baby??

2006-07-20 13:20:35 · 13 answers · asked by icehot_pk 3

do you think that Jesus and or Muhammed were reincarnations of the Budda?

2006-07-20 13:20:13 · 6 answers · asked by arizonabrat 3

Russia Ready to Vaporize the Jewish State
And then kick America out of the Eastern Hemisphere’s oilfields

Copyright Joe Vialls, 28 October 2003


Israeli Dolphin Class attack submarines, unwittingly provided free-of-charge by German taxpayers
“When the end finally comes for Israel, it will all be over in microseconds. Flying faster than rifle bullets,
the Sunburns will approach Tel Aviv and Haifa at twice the speed of sound, detonating in blinding white
200 Kiloton flashes designed to instantly transform animal vegetable and mineral into heat and light.”
During the Cold War of the sixties, the only thing stopping American or Russian psychopaths from taking over the entire world was the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction [MAD], where a multiple ICBM launch by America on Russia or vice versa, would automatically lead to a “doomsday” response by the nation under attack. Mutual destruction of both America and Russia was thereby guaranteed, resulting in nearly thirty years of unprecedented peace and quiet, caused solely by mutual nuclear fear.
About one month ago, Russia discreetly invoked MAD again, but this time in the Middle East in direct response to hysterical Israeli threats to nuke Iran with submarine-launched American Harpoon missiles. Quietly and with the minimum of fuss, Russia deployed its most advanced tactical nuclear missiles and crews to both Syria and Iran, thereby sending an unmistakable diplomatic signal that if Israel attacked Tehran or Damascus with nuclear weapons, Russia would in return instantly and anonymously vaporize the Jewish State.
This is not an idle or exaggerated threat. The Russian missile type deployed in Syria and Iran is the P270 Moskit [Mosquito], known in NATO circles as the SS-N-22 "Sunburn", once described by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher as "the most dangerous anti-ship missile in the Russian, and now the Chinese, fleet.” The ship borne version of this missile is launched from deck mounted quad tubes, but since Rohrabacher made his comments, Russia has adapted the Sunburn for submerged launch from submarines, air launch from Sukhoi 27s, and single surface launch from modified 40’ flatbed trucks. Nowadays, western defense experts unambiguously view all versions of Sunburn as the “most dangerous missiles in the world”.

Mach 2.2 Moskit [SS-N-22 Sunburn] Missile
To see exactly how the Zionists drove us to this nuclear flash point, it is necessary to go back a few years to discover how the Jewish State managed to acquire sophisticated German submarine launch platforms, and American nuclear-tipped Harpoon missiles, thereby allowing a bunch of psychotic religious crazies in Tel Aviv to bring the Middle East, and perhaps the entire world, to the very brink of thermonuclear war.
Around 1989 Israel was trying to replace its obsolescent Gal-class submarine fleet, while simultaneously whining that it didn’t have the funds to do so. Predictably perhaps, the Jewish State was looking for a free hand out. Having failed to extract these big-ticket items as gifts from America, in 1991 Israel turned its sights on Germany, perpetually in moral debt to the Zionists because of the brilliantly managed and highly successful holocaust industry.
After a pathetically short period of Zionist arm wrestling in Berlin, Germany caved-in and agreed to build and provide the first two Dolphin class submarines free of charge, and extend a loan to Israel for the third. Naturally this loan was never repaid, meaning that German taxpayers had unwittingly funded Israel’s entire submarine fleet, custom-designed to launch nuclear-tipped missiles from specially designed torpedo tubes.
Obtaining the deadly American Harpoon missiles was relatively easy. For decades American taxpayers have unwittingly provided the Jewish State with enough free “expendable” munitions to crush the Palestinian people in their own country, and the Harpoon missile is classed as an expendable munition. What this means is that Harpoon falls into the same generic category as rifle bullets and hand grenades, so Washington went ahead and gifted the Jewish State with more than fifty nuclear-capable Harpoons.
The nuclear warheads for these missiles can be either American or homegrown Dimona products, but no matter which, Israel had to make it known that the nuclear capability was real, for there is no point making a nuclear threat if you cannot back it up with real nuclear muscle. This was achieved by leaking the information through high profile Israeli media assets, who initially plastered the information all over the Internet. This completed stage one of the exercise, which then had to be swiftly followed by a quasi-official statement of absolute deniability. Think about this one carefully people, think about it very carefully.
If Damascus or Tehran should suddenly turn into heat and light any time soon, the Israelis will instantly get the blame, in the first place because of their leaked high-profile threats, and secondly because of their known hatred of anything even remotely related to Islam or Arabs. We did not have very long to wait for this “on the record” deniability statement, which was issued less than 24-hours after the initial threats.
Former Israeli deputy defence minister Efraim Sneh claimed on Army Radio that, “Anyone with even the slightest understanding of missiles knows that the Harpoon can never be used to carry nuclear warheads”. This was swiftly reinforced by Ted Hooton, editor of Jane's Naval Weapon Systems in London, who agreed with Sneh’s assessment, saying problems with payload weight would put the Harpoon out of balance, limiting its range and accuracy, "It seems to me that a nuclear weapon, which is extremely dense, would make the Harpoon nose heavy and significantly reduce its range — in any event well below the (150 kilometers) it is designed for," he said.
While many might doubt the authenticity of Sneh’s claim, who would dare question the measured opinion of Jane’s, widely touted as the most authoritative military publication on earth? Unfortunately Jane’s appears to have made a terrible error, because Hooton’s claim is the exact opposite of reality. Harpoon normally carries a 215-pound conventional explosive charge in its warhead, which can easily be replaced by a 99.2-pound nuclear device, which then needs additional ballast to balance the missile in flight!

Rest assured that the American-Israeli Harpoons are nuclear, and the Zionists have every intention of using them on Tehran and Damascus if they think they can get away with it. Dangerous people do dangerous things in dangerous times, and there is nothing more dangerous that a pack of religious fanatics with their backs to the Mediterranean, facing the imminent destruction of Zion. The Israeli economy is in tatters, Jewish migrants are fleeing Israel in droves, and the Zionist host [America] is fast running out of spare cash and free weapons.
Russia has known all about Israel’s nuclear forward planning for many months, and the only question the Kremlin faced was which deterrent to pull out of its vast nuclear arsenal and deploy in the Middle East. At the same time, Russia was equally determined to send very strong signals to America: signals also designed to make the Zionist crusaders think long and hard before they took any more aggressive action against the former Soviet republics and North Korea.
Deterrent choice for the Middle East was easy, because the Russians already knew the Americans were frightened of the SS-N-22, which the U.S. Navy actually tried to purchase from the Russian Navy in September 1995. In a letter reproduced at the bottom of this page, Vice Admiral Bowes wrote to Russian Commander in Chief Admiral Gromov, “I appreciate the opportunity to convey to you the United States Navy’s interest in acquiring all variants of the SS-N-22 ‘Sunburn’ Anti-Ship Supersonic Ship-to-Ship missile for test and evaluation”. America’s naked fear of this unstoppable weapon was thus laid bare, but Russia predictably refused to sell
If the Israelis decide to nuke Tehran or Damascus there is little doubt that some of their Harpoon missiles will get through, though probably only because of the element of surprise. The American-Israeli Harpoon is still vulnerable to defensive systems because it is a relatively old subsonic missile, powered by a small Teledyne turbofan engine. Detectable by radar, cruising relatively high at around 300 feet altitude, and with a range of only 65 miles, the Harpoon can be terminated by one of many different point defense systems. But regardless of these notable shortcomings, and as previously stated, some will reach their targets in Damascus or Tehran.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is when the real fireworks will start. Within seconds the tarpaulins will be thrown back on a number of 40’ flatbed trucks currently dispersed in classified locations, revealing the dull metal of the 37’ Sunburn launch tubes within. While the hydraulic stabilizer jacks slam into the ground and the launch tubes elevate to the firing position, Russian artillery specialists will confirm the pre-programmed target coordinates, then defer to central command fire control, at the same time retaining unit “dead man” authority to fire on bypass if absolutely necessary.
Each Sunburn will hurtle out of its launcher riding on the white-hot tail of a booster rocket, while its special ramjet lights and cycles up to full thrust. Then rapidly sinking back to an undetectable cruising altitude of approximately 60 feet, each missile will accelerate to Mach 2.2 [1,520 mph] in less than 30 seconds, with a total flight time from Damascus to Tel Aviv of around three minutes. When the end finally comes for Israel, it will all be over in microseconds.

2006-07-20 13:18:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Presbyterian Christian, but I'm afraid of the Catholic Church. I mean, I've been to California missions and the sanctuaries sort of scare me. Is this a sin to the Lord? If it is, what can I do to not be creeped out?

2006-07-20 13:17:53 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the bible it says, "Respect your parents and you will be rewarded with a long life." So does that mean every child who resents his parents because they abused him or treated him bad will live a short life? My dad is a liar, and my mom is a hypocrite. My dad never keeps his word and lies to me. Whenever my mom does something bad or something goes wrong it's my fault.

Therefore I don't obey them or trust them or even talk to them about my personal problems and go to my friends instead, which can be bad because they aren't as matured as adults but my parents are just too hard to talk to. And I sure as hell don't respect them.

How can God expect us to respect bad parents? Does this mean i'll die soon?

2006-07-20 13:13:21 · 23 answers · asked by General X 3


has anyone ever changed from a certain religion to the bahai faith or been through hardships as a bahai? If so plz explain your story

2006-07-20 13:10:59 · 6 answers · asked by Beans♥~~♥*♥**Lovez 2

Just being facetious. My brother's ex had a sticked on her dashboard which read "Jesus Saves". My brother turned it into "Hey-Soos Sah Ves".
Sacreligeous, I know, but it was still funny.

2006-07-20 13:10:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

And it does not mean that you will walk an easy road but that you will still stumble but that God gives you the strength to rise and walk again?

2006-07-20 13:08:41 · 32 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

I don't think this current conflict in Israel will turn into Armageddon, but let's say that it did and predictions of the Bible start coming true. Would you as an atheist, religious jew, muslim, buddhist, or anything else feel compelled to consider prophesies in the Bible as evidence that it was true? Why or why not?

2006-07-20 13:08:40 · 15 answers · asked by midnight_190884 2

We know that these are figurative numbers. So why in the book of Revelation, the most figurative book in the New Testament do people take the numbers there literally?

2006-07-20 13:08:33 · 5 answers · asked by old.houndog 3

2006-07-20 13:05:46 · 15 answers · asked by ~blessss♫☼ ♪♥ ☼ ♠♫ ♣☺☻ 4

take this "good test", regardless of what you believe right now, just finish it, and when you get to the end, tell me what you thought of it. i, for one, feel like i need to get right with God and repent for my sins... atheists would like this... http://www.livingwaters.com/good/001.shtml

2006-07-20 13:02:50 · 16 answers · asked by il0vechinchi 1

Would you still hold him in the same respect if you found out you had to atone for your own sins? I am not sure if Jesus was of virgin birth, but I believe what was important about him was that he believed we can all live a life of goodness and get to heaven by getting in touch with the spirit of God. He made people understand that God is a force greater than the people who were in power at the time and that it was God they needed to pay attention to rather than the rulers of the time.

I am asking this because I think many people just like the idea of a free ride and would not respect Jesus as much as they did if they found out he didn't die for their sins, because this seems to be the focal point of being a "Christian."

So, what are your thoughts on this issue?

2006-07-20 13:02:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am interested in knowing what people ate and wore in Jesus' day, particularly what Jesus Himself wore. Was it the sort of robe we see in paintings, and if so, can you describe it and tell me what it was made of? And what sort of shoes did he wear--did he go barefoot or did he have sandals, and what sort of sandals were they? What was the weather like? Also, what sort of houses did people live in, and what was the furniture like in those houses? What sort of bed might Jesus have slept on? Where was the cooking done, outside on a fire or in a kitchen of sorts, and what was it like? What was the food of the day, and where did it come from? What sort of entertainments did people enjoy; was there sport? How long did people live, and what sort of medical care did they receive? Did people have pets? How old were they when they got married, and did they choose their partner or was it arranged by their parents? Did people travel much from town to town? How long did they sleep?

2006-07-20 13:01:16 · 10 answers · asked by Happy 4

2006-07-20 12:58:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-07-20 12:57:09 · 13 answers · asked by lilith 7

I see people saying that evolution is wrong, because everything had to come from somewhere. So then I ask where god came from, and they say he is eternal. By that logic, things (ex:god) can exist, and don't need a maker. So, then why did the universe need a maker? Why, by that logic, could it not be eternal, with no creator. I may have confused before, so I broke the question down to this. IF GOD CAN BE ETERNAL, THEN BY THAT LOGIC, WHY NOT THE UNIVERSE? wHY DOES EVERYTHING NEED A CREATOR?

2006-07-20 12:56:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Christian and although i do not have strong beliefs other religions have always interested me.. What they believe, how they pray etc. In this case i want to know what Jahovas Witneses believe.. All i know is they dont celebrate Easter or Christmas. Why? and what do they follow? please can somone fufil my curiosity?

2006-07-20 12:53:49 · 28 answers · asked by danny.edwards 2

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