Are there any people on our planet, who have never gossiped?How did the word evolve? who gave that act its first name? Is it possible that some one can be born on this earth of ours, and never gossip?Is there a degree for gossip? at what level dose it become a graduated act?Are expert gossipers recognised?What will be the end result of the product of two gossipers that marry?The word gossip amazes me,can it be related to the lowest citizen as well as the highest?Will the news broadcasters, politicians and preachers be caught in its net?Is gossip a 'terror'threat to man kind?Will there ever be a remedy for this malady?Can it be related to the wonders of the world, orthe deadly sins of the faiths?Will the one who tries to answer this question be gossiping?Could it be somebodys name on another continent?What word is ever used in its meaning that is ever greater than the word gossip?How was this word put together? GO-SSIP! Has any one ever written a thesis on the subject of gossip?It wins.
5 answers
asked by
Joe Kay