I believe I have it right when I say that Facism does not neccesarily equate with racism, as is the common belief, but rather refers to militaristic rule or dictatorship.
So therefore, in theory, could a facist rule be beneficial in some circumstances? I refer to advancements in science and national infrastructure, and not genocide or wide-spread violence.
Surely the Roman Empire, British Empire (not strictly Facist, I know) and Nazi regime all heralded major technological advancements (again, I am fully aware of the accompanying atrocities)? Do they merit a more 'shoot first, ask questions later' attitude in their nature?
By facism in this question I am referring to the pure, textbook meaning of the word.
This is not neccessarily my viewpoint but just one that was brough to my attention recently.
Thanks for serious answers.
Note: please do not rant about the holocaust or Hitler's madness, that is not what this question is about.
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