Yes - it was called IZAL, and provoked the oft-quoted joke that it slid straight of off your ar se leaving anything there completely untouched! In order to make it even vaguely usable you had to scrunch it up first to crack the shiny side - but I'm not so sure that it was actually WAXED - it was more a shiny surface than a waxed one.
2007-03-01 02:00:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Jeyes Toilet Paper
2016-12-18 04:57:26
answer #2
answered by kunkle 4
I remember it - from school which was a long time ago! Am pleased to say I've not seen it anywhere recently... You could try ebay or contact a school to see if they still use it... It's probably been banned by the Government or something! I remember we called it tracing paper and how I didn't usually go to the toilet at school so I didn't need to use it. It was horrid stuff - bad enough when you'd had a pee but worse than useless it you'd had a number two!!!
2007-03-01 01:55:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, izal, I remember it from my childhood.
You had to screw it up in a ball and then uncrumple it for it to be anywhere near worth using.
Funny you should mention it though because we saw some in Asda the other day and it was really expensive! I was laughing and saying no wonder Grandpa used to go mad when we'd used loads tracing cartoon characters and making paper aeroplanes.
2007-03-01 03:26:34
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes, that had to be the most pointless invention EVER!! I am amazed that Tesco's still sell this stuff, who on earth would buy it?? People who hate visitors?? People who hate the people they live with? Really, if you can't afford nice absorbant toilet roll you would be better of with newspaper or leaves from the trees than this slidy scratchy torture paper.
2007-03-01 02:10:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Oh no! dont remind me of that foul stuff,I think the only way to use it was to fold it several times and use it as a scoop. I am going to have nightmares about that now!
2007-03-01 02:11:01
answer #6
answered by Scrumpy 3
Oh god wasn't it awful..i even remember the make.Jeyes. we had the stuff in primary school.....once used never can still get the carbolic soap you know, i saw some in Asda last week!
2007-03-01 01:56:03
answer #7
answered by doingitallforwrenches 3
Do you mean Izal, by chance, it smells of disinfectant and when we were kids they had it in school, you couldn't wipe your bum properly. We used to knick it and use it for tracing paper. Thats all it was good for.
2007-03-01 01:57:32
answer #8
answered by Jeanette 7
Ha yeah its called Iazal or something and you can get it in Tescos believe it or not. I am sure I got paper cuts on my hole from that years ago!!
2007-03-01 01:55:37
answer #9
answered by Mum-Ra 5
IZAL!!!!! That was its name. It was horrible you wiped your bum and it slipped right up your back ha ha! You can probably still buy it in old little village corner shops somewhere!!!
2007-03-01 01:54:42
answer #10
answered by themonstermuncher 1