I believe I have it right when I say that Facism does not neccesarily equate with racism, as is the common belief, but rather refers to militaristic rule or dictatorship.
So therefore, in theory, could a facist rule be beneficial in some circumstances? I refer to advancements in science and national infrastructure, and not genocide or wide-spread violence.
Surely the Roman Empire, British Empire (not strictly Facist, I know) and Nazi regime all heralded major technological advancements (again, I am fully aware of the accompanying atrocities)? Do they merit a more 'shoot first, ask questions later' attitude in their nature?
By facism in this question I am referring to the pure, textbook meaning of the word.
This is not neccessarily my viewpoint but just one that was brough to my attention recently.
Thanks for serious answers.
Note: please do not rant about the holocaust or Hitler's madness, that is not what this question is about.
11 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
No. Freedom of speech is neccessary for a free country. A dictatorship may be justifiable in wartime but the governent should return to democracy as soon as the crisis is over.
As for partial fascism, have you noticed the situation in the UK? A party claiming to be left wing that represses its subjects and targets a racial and religious minority (Middle-eastern Muslims).
Labour's gradually taken away our rights during the 10 years they've spent in power. It's the closest thing to a fascist regime in Europe today.
2007-03-01 04:31:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
One has to consider the hegemony imposed upon the masses in a society dominated by Fascism. The indoctrination of the masses fueled by propaganda, deception, and misleading in the long term subjugates all the people.
It's the Dictatorial control that can spur the following: Nationalism, Isolationism, Despotism, and Socialism. However, these aspects can enhance, if not motivated a people to exceed their previous collective expectations and aspirations.
The "shoot first ask questions later" attitude is in-keeping with the protectionist aspect of their dominant ideology.
The problem that I see is this form of government seems to follow the fall of a Republic or Democracy.
2007-03-01 05:57:40
answer #2
answered by FunkyMcNasty 3
Fascism is and always will be a bad form of government.
Wherever there is a loss of freedom of speech then regimes just tend toward corruption.
There is no evidence for greater creativity or advancements being brought about by Fascism. More likely that rapid advancement and changes in society led toward Fascism.
I can not think of a fascist regime that has lasted any length of time.
On the whole a bad thing.
2007-03-01 01:56:45
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Technical advancements in say, science, has mainly been abused by governments and big busines all over the world. Also you talk about facism in pure form but i have yet to see anything in its purest form except maybe nature. It would be like looking for the perfect human, does 'blonde and blue-eyed' ring a bell.
2007-03-01 02:58:30
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
One can't have fascism in a democracy
In itself this is no worse than communism
Can only be under a dictatorship
It would have to be benevolent
What dictatorship is benevolent?
All forms of above have taken place under dictatorships
Whatever the advancements, would things last?
2007-03-01 02:02:52
answer #5
answered by Plato 5
i could inform you something approximately people on Yahoo! solutions. they have an exceedingly unusual activity of reporting questions for no reason. sure, i come across that truly nerve-racking. whilst I style this, i'm afraid i'm going to work out the "You won a contravention" alert 2 seconds later. smh
2016-10-17 00:29:57
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Yes, when the leader is George Dubya Bush
2007-03-04 07:50:09
answer #7
answered by Jock 6
Fascism allows the death machine to be fired up to deal with opponents, therefore not good.
2007-03-01 08:06:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No, in and of itself it could be applied properly and work, sadly that just has not been the case.
2007-03-01 01:53:58
answer #9
answered by ALEIII 3
what, be controlled by a maniac and have all freedom we have left taken away? dream on, mate. it would be terrible
2007-03-01 03:00:02
answer #10
answered by Anonymous