My brother and I are the worst for saying things that are innocent enough, but sound really rude.
Like the time we were in a cab and I was telling the driver about a city bus that some kids had stolen downtown, when my brother decided to jump in with, "Who would steal a bus? That's like stealing a cab. Look at me, I'm driving a cab, I'm so cool!" The car was silent for the rest of the trip.
Or the time I took my best friend who had been recently diagnosed with cancer to see a movie...that turned out to be about a woman with cancer who dies at the end of the movie. It was a long one too. Two and a half hours of omg, I can't believe that I took her to see this movie, and the woman dies to boot.
Or the guy we made cry because we didn't notice him standing there lovingly holding a lawn gnome when we said, "OmG that is the tackiest f**king lawn I've ever seen!"
I have plenty more, some worse than these, I'm sure. How about you? What's your worst foot in mouth story?
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