I believe it is the worst mistake with a dire set of outcomes...more children will die now :(
Applause to those who think killing is right....sarcastically...
Yes I fully understand the victims want him dead..but killing is still wrong...by example.
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no one questions when i say more children will die now..... and i didnt say give him his killing job back...jeez, think about it... i mean, we have as a world just told people, killing is ok if the reason is good enough....
Sorry... that is irrational and wrong... angrily correct but in reality, wrong.
Who has the right to kill ? NO ONE
(question reposted with slighty more insight - original question and replies here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AouRzsgDg9QEgzFa5E3nsghIzKIX?qid=20061229195636AAnkAM7 )
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