In Spain , the Galician and Catalan languages are cherished & spoken proudly by those regions. w/radio, TV , books & media & education in those languages. These Latin derivatives are alive & well.
What exactly happened in France with the Provencal language of the South, this ancient latinate tongue once spoken all along the coast and southern portion of France.?? Why did it get shunned & ignored. Why don't these natives of Nice, marseilles, Arles, and all of southern France speak it proudly and use it fluently?? It is a beautiful-sounding Latin language, far nice than the stuffy nasal Gothic sound of regular French. Why even in Italy, regional languages, like Venizian, Sardinian, etc. are still around and are not shunned.
Anyone care to explain the demise of Provencal in France, once so widespread and now nearly dead?? And in France today, where would one hear it spoken naturally??? Any ideas????
A baffling puzzle - among the Latinate derivatives.
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