I agree that as Canadians and Americans, we should take a stand for our own beliefs. Why do we have to change for the newcomers?
I simply believe that if we're all open for "learning from each other" instead of trying to force our beliefs on another by forcing them to "assimilate" to our own ideas/behavior/beliefs. Why not just accept each other as we all are and integrate each other's beliefs to each other's hearts instead of trying to kill each other's beliefs off? If we say, "Merry Christmas" to each other, we're not insulting anyone.
I will take my stand and wish everyone a Merry Christimas! :-) And by all mean, "Happy All Hallow's Eve" too. Why not! The day after Halloween is All Saints Day, so I will also wish you all "Happy All Saint's Day!" Enjoy life. Learn from each other. Will you take the stand? Or will you let "evil men" control who you are? :> I WILL NEVER CONFORM to the limited boundaries society offers individuals. Enjoy your day, hugs xoxo :x
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