Ladenhimself. What sort of sidguise do you think he would use.
I think he would, put on a Karate outfit (white) with a black belt, a Texan hat, Russian boots, use green contact lenses instead of brown. Stick a red beard on his chin. he would not be able to use Air force 1 or 2, because he want to remain anonymous. He would have a rucksack with hundered of posters of Bin Ladens face on it, but they would all be different photographs form all the different faces on the videos. He would catch Lufthansa to Frankfurt, the Germans would help him out, but he would get the train to Paris. Ask the cab driver to take him to the central market place. The French cabbie, would not be surprised with this vision, they are used to things like this. "Jhust another foreighner!" Drop him off at the Champs Elysees. Most famous street in Paris. Then he would start handing out the pamphlets, saying "Sorry- no abla espanyola. Dees man hiding, cave here somewhere, find him and phone me."
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