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Other - Cultures & Groups - November 2006

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he can say ****** and still get paid and keep his job whereas mel gibson caught all kinda bru haha for his racial remarks about jews ? racial slandering is not at all right . and tell me what you feel?

2006-11-22 09:19:26 · 17 answers · asked by grace b 2


I understand that one of the anti smoking campagins Is spearheaded by big tobacco I thought it was Phillip Morris running 'the truth' am I correct?

2006-11-22 09:13:53 · 4 answers · asked by hadda_be_played_on_a_jukebox 3

I get a lot of **** from ppl when they find out where i am from, but before are all over me telling me how "pretty" or "hot' i am. but what do you think of us? any slight racism? when u find out some one is arab what do you think? do you believe the steretype that all arabs are dark skinned dark haired hairy etc. ? (my whole family is blonde haired, fair skinned, either green, hazel , or light brown eyes and we are pure arab)

2006-11-22 09:10:50 · 23 answers · asked by .....u made me do it 2

Some people believe that african americans in america are rude and disruptive and maintain no manners in public. This question is steming from the Michael richards incident this past week, were he was annoyed with and exploded on two african american patrons who he says were acting rude, loud and disruptive during his comedy routine. He definetly should not have called them N#@! or made any racial comment but I noticed that some people today often say that african americans are loud and disruptive at movie theaters, resturaunts, and other public events. Obviously im not talking about an entire race but in general as a community. does any one else notice this?

2006-11-22 09:08:43 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's really hot so I don't mind. My dad doesn't know about it so I don't think it's hurting anything. But I feel a little guilty for enjoying it so much. What should I do?

2006-11-22 09:08:03 · 11 answers · asked by J 2

Honestly, from the bottom of your heart, do you see 'white' men as all the things they are made out to be? Racist, misogynistic, greedy etc...?

2006-11-22 09:01:39 · 8 answers · asked by J 2

2006-11-22 08:58:04 · 11 answers · asked by autumnbrookblue 4

what is feeding racism in society. Is it all racial groups. Between whites and blacks. I feel like some blacks choose to isolate themselves and look at themselves as "we" or the define themselves as being black and if you are a group and thats the way you want to handle racism then why don't they have a meeting and talk about the negative image they are portraying for themselves through the entertainment industry and so on. Honestly how often do we hear about "white people" talking about the world speaking for all white people.. I don't hear that very often and if you did it would immediatly be portrayed as "racist" so am I wrong about this whole racism thing ? I know there are people in the world who are still really racist both whites and blacks and thats unfortunate but from my perspective, I don't see all of this hatred toward blacks coming from "white people"

2006-11-22 08:54:12 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

keep them and not tell anyone or tellthe world about them?

2006-11-22 08:53:05 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

What with husbands saying it's all about better sexual intimacy and wives saying it's about new ways to pleasure and children having teenage pregnancy and what about AIDS?

2006-11-22 08:51:30 · 17 answers · asked by T-max 1

What purpose dose a blacksmith have now days?
I wish to continue my blacksmithing but there is so little need for blacksmiths. The only reason I do it is to preserve my heritage and maintain the secrecy of our family steel forgeing techniques(i.e swordsmithing.) I feel as if me being a blacksmith is losing its purpose. is there anyone out there that can help me refine my skills

2006-11-22 08:44:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-22 08:43:30 · 5 answers · asked by Constance 1

I want to see Blue Lodge and Prince Hall lodge accept each other in Texas. Anyone else with me? Masons are Masons, whether clandestine, hidden from the public, or loud and proud. We need to get back to its roots, underground and changing the world, its too much like a business currently.

2006-11-22 08:42:46 · 3 answers · asked by Thin Ice 3

my friend is a chinese guy. He's a nice guy, he just moved to the south, and he wants to be more of a southern bull, a cow boy, a redneck down here in north carolina. He is embrassed of his heritage, well I think he should be as well. So how can we help this fella into being like a good old southern guy. Besides surgery.

2006-11-22 08:42:26 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a teacher looking for the name and/or words to an Arabic children's song. I was told this song was brought over from Palastine by a family member of one of my students. I often hear them singing it and would like to find out more about it and have unsuccessfully tried to find out from their families. I have asked other colleagues of Arabic ethnicity about the song, but my colleagues do not recognize it. Does anyone know what I am referring to? Any information would be helpful!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-22 08:26:46 · 1 answers · asked by kat 1

2006-11-22 08:24:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-22 08:21:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Black People suffered so much from slavery in this country. I want to understand the reason why white people didn't say "we are very sorry for what you had to go through" but was against them by saying the N word and "go back to Africa" when they knew they brought them here in the first place.

2006-11-22 08:16:51 · 10 answers · asked by serenelady 1

2006-11-22 08:15:10 · 3 answers · asked by villacork 1

this question was reported but im going to ask it again

2006-11-22 08:12:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Someone else besides me finally said it. How many are actually paying
> attention to this?
> There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian
> Americans, Arab Americans, Native Americans, etc. and then there are just
> Americans.
> You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You
> call me "White boy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey,"
> "Caveman" and that's OK.
> But when I call you, ******, Kike, Towelhead, Sand-******, camel Jockey,
> Beaner, ****, or Chink you call me a racist.
> You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you,
> so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?
> You have the United ***** College Fund.
> You have Martin Luther King Day.
> You have Black History Month.
> You have Cesar Chavez Day.
> You have Yom Hashoah
> You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi
> You have the NAACP.
> You h ave BET.
> If we had WET(White Entertainment Television) we'd be racists.
> If we had a White Pride Day you would call us racists.
> If we had White History Month, we'd be racists.
> If we had any organization for only whites to "advance" our lives, we'd be
> racists.
> We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of
> Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
> Wonder who pays for that?
> If we had a college fund that only gave white students
> scholarships, you know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly
> proclaimed Black Colleges in the US, yet if there were "White colleges"
> that would be a racist college.
> In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race
> and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us
> racists.
> You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and
> you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you
> call us racists.
> You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white
> police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black
> drug-dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call
> him a racist.
> I am proud. But, you call me a racist.
> Why is it that only whites can be racists?
> There is nothing improper about this email.
> Let's see which of you are proud enough to forward it.

2006-11-22 08:04:08 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I waved when you were looking.

2006-11-22 07:59:51 · 12 answers · asked by thebishop 1

I ´d just frequently heard about the rumours...there are certainly such gentlemen too in Germany. Someone from Peru explained to me, if someone could not write well german, most of them have a prejudice feeling toward them and they insult him directly. Do they have more prejudice feelings towards the foreign people than any others who are able to learn and read well english or italian ?

2006-11-22 07:45:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's always black people this or black people that. It's annoying. I'm sick of stereotypes. it's a lot people that think we are the only race that is strange or inferior or different. If they think that, why can't they stop talking about us and leave us alone, if they hate us so much. Man, you don't know how much I really want this race thing obliviated.

2006-11-22 07:36:38 · 22 answers · asked by misscoolcat89 3


2006-11-22 07:23:42 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

miserable person ever? who else is cynical like me?

2006-11-22 07:19:35 · 8 answers · asked by practicalwizard 6

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