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I want to see Blue Lodge and Prince Hall lodge accept each other in Texas. Anyone else with me? Masons are Masons, whether clandestine, hidden from the public, or loud and proud. We need to get back to its roots, underground and changing the world, its too much like a business currently.

2006-11-22 08:42:46 · 3 answers · asked by Thin Ice 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

3 answers

We perhaps have grounds to talk. You see, there is an Order which is growing throughout America, American Co-Masonry. We are considered by some as clandestine because we admit women as well as men.

We are esoteric. No business goes on at our rituals. I drive 800 miles a month to attend my two Blue Lodges. Does that sound like all dry and boring to you?

Follow the link below to read more about us. Likewise, feel free to write to me to discuss this more off this board.

A Master Mason
American Co-Masonry

Hiram Lodge No. 11 (Santa Cruz, CA)
Amon Ra Lodge No. 9 (Los Angeles, CA)
Sapientia Lodge of Research No. 1 (Larkspur, CO)
Adamant Mark Lodge No. 3 (Santa Cruz, CA)

2006-11-24 09:39:30 · answer #1 · answered by NeoArt 6 · 0 0

I agree I think many things have been lost over the years. I have utter disgust with recruitment video and one day degrees. Also everytime I see an online converse of what Masonry is and isn't people are to fast to say it is a chairty works and thats it.. Almost as if they are blind to the ritual and works that have been historically surronded by it.

As far as prince hall I think there is still 11 (aprox) states that do not recognize them. Remember this is upto all the members who vote. Each time it comes up and is voted against it reflects on the members. No matter other reasons that may differ from GL rules it still reflects as a race issue. I remember being told that years ago when CT recognized prince hall, when CT brothers traveled southwards they had a difficult time from other lodges.

As far as getting away from this new mundane setting of modern day, I would take a slow movement from within. People a scared of change and doing anything different even if it was at one time. Many of us forgot why we have become members. There are still movers and shakers but it seems as if it is segregated from lodge to lodge. Once a few people feel a touch of involvement it tends to grow further fuel and radiates to others.

2006-11-24 15:45:54 · answer #2 · answered by Labatt113 4 · 0 0

Masons are kool, but I would say the ARIZONA chapter of Freemasons rules!

2006-11-22 08:46:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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