Demlicans-the poor, the minorities, the cities, the unions, the females, the taxers, the west coast, the young, the lazy, the northeast, the educated. Republicrats- the wealthy, the caucasian, the country, the males, the militaristic, the south, the farmers, the west, the spiritual, the elderly, the captains of industry. Now before you all get twitapated these are generalizations, I know that the round peg fits in the square hole and just leaves a little light at the four corners, Lighten up., I know. But I think I'm In the ball park. Lets go over a few that might be in question like the educated, who can't affiliate with Gods, guns, industry, and biggotry, I give the edge to Demlicans. Its why I also give them the females. How about the country and farmers they cant affiliate with unions, cityfolk, laziness, taxers. the edge goes to the Republicrats. Because there isnt a tax the Demlicans dont like they will draw the needy and lazy. Now what are the major disagrements with these 2?
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender