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Society & Culture - 20 December 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

...they start off the day with a positive note and makes for some
hugs and kisses "delight" tonight, too...

2007-12-20 03:20:57 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

2007-12-20 03:20:28 · 24 answers · asked by MoPleasure4U 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-20 03:19:29 · 8 answers · asked by zeht89 3 in Religion & Spirituality

A key theme that runs on R&S is an idea propped up BOTH Christians and Atheists about some sort of future period of vindication. Christians express this in downright Apocalyptic terms at times, or in a mild sense a Society, Nation, Earth that is fully Christian.

Some atheists follow suit, adopting a sort of "the time is now" rhetoric speaking how the world's religions will be swept aside by further education in the sciences.

Both are based on an unsubstantiated hope - much like a belief in the Communist Utopia, "The Internet shall unite the world," Anarcho-capitalist society, etc.

Its rather funny actually, as it assumes some sort of "victory" which cannot be overturned by the mistakes of future generations.

What i want to ask, as a pragmatist, to all is this: If you can't get rid of the other side, can't rob them of their influence either:

Then what's the 2nd best solution?

2007-12-20 03:19:11 · 22 answers · asked by I C 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-20 03:19:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

I really don't know why this popped into my head, but, I was just wondering. No matter how old you are... based on your experiences, whats one really important thing you've learned in your life? For example, so far mine has been just to NOT to lie to your parents. That comes back to haunt you. But I'm interested to see everyone's answers =)

2007-12-20 03:18:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2007-12-20 03:18:38 · 13 answers · asked by Gershon b 5 in Religion & Spirituality

It seems like many people are so offended to have to say "Happy Holidays" to be courteous to those who do not celebrate Christmas. I just wonder, why does this bother you to have to accomadate for other people's beliefs? And for those of you who get offended when people say "Merry Christmas" to you, why does this bother you?

I'm just wondering!

2007-12-20 03:17:37 · 15 answers · asked by megzstar22 3 in Christmas

2007-12-20 03:16:39 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

See this question http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AkX8i6FWtiVTmpyGzEHrxTtIzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070108040234AAr9CAw everone called the theory stupid and absurb but I have proof then white man was bioligcally designed shipped to west Europe and became ferals walking on for legs and gradually becoming monkeys overtime

Between six and seven thousand years ago, signs of disruption began to appear throughout the ancient civilization of the Near East. For nearly a thousand years the cultures of that region underwent a change; a period of regression. As chasos and dissatisfaction grew, problems intensified and the ancient societies of the Near East slipped deeper into despair. Then about 6,000 years ago, the inevitable happened--civilization fell apart.
What caused the breakup of civilization six thousand years ago? Some historians had speculated that a natural disaster, such as an earthquake or some similar event took place, but they were unable to find any evidence to support their claims. Besides, all of the clues pointed in the direction of an event quite different from that of an earthquake - a condition that grew over an extended period of time. The picture is on of communities in turmoil, of societies collapsing and falling apart from within; of chaos, dissatisfaction and unrest. The most accurate summation would be to say that the people just began fighting and killing one another - this is the best way to describe what was happening in the Near East 6,000 years ago.
Soon after the unsettling of civilization, another interesting change began to take place. This change occurred in the area of the Caucasus Mountains. There, in West Asia, a previously unknown group of people suddenly appeared as if from out nowhere. Collectively they are known as the Indo-Europeans, Caucasians or white people. The facts show that they first entered the area around 6,000 years ago. 2,000 years later their invasions would bring them into contact with the civilized nations to the south. Because they had no fixed homes and wandered about from place to place, historians usually describe their way of life as 'nomadic'.
Since they were so backward, it is very difficult to use archaeological evidence to help pin down the original home of the Indo-European tongues.
With the arrival of the Caucasians into that cold and sparsely populated area of the world, the few older communities, which earlier had been established there in Europe were either abandoned or destroyed. The evidence clearly suggests that the original inhabitants of those settlements either fled or were killed off by the newly arriving whites. After the whites showed up, drastic changes started to occur in the region north of the Caucasus.
A time period around 3500 B.C. forms a caesura between Old Europe and Indo- European Europe. It is a time when life in the large villages and townships either stops or is markedly changed. The degeneerative changes in the settlements of the Old European Civilization may be assumed to indicate the beginning of the Indo-European presence.
Following the breakup of the ancient societies and the arrival of the whiteman in Europe, the people of the Near East worked to re-establish the level of peace and security they had once known. Slowly, over time, communities were rebuilt, prosperity was restored and signs of new live started to emerge.
In Africa, along the banks of the Nile River, Egypt blossomed into the Pyramid Age. In Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, the Sumerians too, established a civilization reknown for its high level of culture and refinement. Even as far away as India, along the tributaries of the Indus River, the Dravidians constructed the magnificent twin cities of Mohoenjo-Daro and Harrapa. Rich in arts, sciences and the necessities of life these civilizations laid the foundation for trade and finance, architecture, geometry, mathematics and astronomy, philosophy, law and government, writing and religion.
Throughout the period of reconstruction, not much attention was paid to the nomads of the north; the threat never seemed significant. From time to time, a few nomadic bands would wander down into the center of civilization, but their activities never amounted to more than occasional raids or skirmishes. In the course of time small groups of the whites were abe to establish camps along the hills and deserts outside of Mesopotamia. Although such camps survived mainly by robbing and scavenging, their overall impact upon civilization remained minimal; most of the whites were at that time still beyound range up in the hills.
But the Caucasians of the north were not to remain a distant novelty forever. 2,000 years after their arrival, the nomadic tribes began to move away from what for years had been their home. As they swarmed down, out of the hills, some of them began to travel west, toward the Aegean Sea. At the same time another large group trudged southward, in the direction of the centers of civilization. "for unknown reasons,the group went into a ferment shortly before 2000 B.C. and started spilling out all over europe and western Asia.
As they moved southward, they were joined by smaller groups - members of their own who had earlier taken up positions along the hills and caravan routes ouside of Mesopotamia. As they advanced toward the centers of civilization, they began a series of violent and devastating attacks. One by one the great cities of the ancient world began to topple. So complete was the effect of the onslaught that when it was all over, nothing was left standing.
During a period of about three hundred years, beginning soon after 1700 B.C., the civilized world was overrun by barbarian conquerors. Hill peoples living north and east of Mesopotamia, tribesmen from the desert fringes of Syria, Palestine and northern Arabia, together with wide ranging war bands originating from the northern steppe combined in varying proportions to attack all existing centers of civilized life. The range of these barbarian conquests was never again equaled...At the two extremes of civilized world, in Crete and in India, little but smoking ruins remaind.
So the facts show that after the reconstruction of civilization, the whites came out of the hills and destroyed it all. Every historian agrees that the uprooting of those civilizations were the resul of attacks from white barbarians who came rushing down, out of the hills of West Asia.
In India, Mohonjo-daro was sacked and its people were enslaved or killed. The outcome was the same for those of Mesopotamia and Egypt too.

2007-12-20 03:16:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A teenager lost her contact lens. She fruitlessly searched for an hour to no avail. Mom went to search for herself and returned in a just a few moments with the lens in hand. The teen ask, "Mom how did you manage to find it?" "We weren't looking for the same thing," she replied. "You were looking for a small peice of plastic and I was looking for $150."

2007-12-20 03:16:19 · 9 answers · asked by Southern Comfort 6 in Senior Citizens

Before I begin this question AGAIN b/c some stupid offended lil child reported it THIS IS A QUESTION!!! My question before was how many people agree with me that young girls today are influence to act like they are older than what they are? Do you think that dolls like the ugly slutty bratz dolls contribute to this? I believe so. I read a question by SexyAshley666 who had to ask others if she had been raped. Clearly she was underage and drinking at a party. This is just plan sad DONT YOU THINK SO TOO????? I do. Girls today dress like sluts I do believe and I want to know if you agree. I think in todays world most of these girls ask for it by wearing low cut tops that let there boobs hang out and shorter than short mini skirts that let their butts hang out the bottom while there thongs ride up the top, and to think they dont know why men and young horney boys aswell touch them when they dont asked to be touched. There mothers should be slapped for letting them out of the house in that.

2007-12-20 03:15:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Follow the link to see where I am coming from:


2007-12-20 03:15:26 · 10 answers · asked by JR 1 in Religion & Spirituality

what are good bible chapters or verses to read. I am going through a hard time and lack confidence and just depressed.

2007-12-20 03:15:25 · 11 answers · asked by Ewfef W 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-20 03:14:14 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

How can a god justify eternal torment as a final destination for someone that wants to have never existed in the first place?

How can you justify love for this type of monster? (I know many of you don't believe in eternal torment----this question is not aimed at you. :P You're the good ones).

Any good arguments?

2007-12-20 03:13:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

if you think hindus are p!$$ful then read the link


2007-12-20 03:13:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-20 03:12:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

If YES, then this question is for you:


2007-12-20 03:06:39 · 20 answers · asked by Pranay C 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-20 03:02:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I will probably need to learn Hungarian in the future. I've heard that it's a very hard language, even more complicated than Chinese. What's your opinion?

2007-12-20 03:01:14 · 5 answers · asked by Marinika 2 in Languages

Has anyone told you just how special you are this Christmas?
I think Christmas has lost all its meaning. Its who has the best gift, who spent the most money etc. I just wanted to tell everyone on Yahoo answers, you are all special. If no one has said that to you let me be the first. I wish EVERYONE peace, health, and love during this special holiday season. Cheers!!

2007-12-20 03:00:46 · 20 answers · asked by Bird lady 4 in Christmas

2007-12-20 03:00:40 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

After all, the word "holiday" is simply an abbreviation of Holy day. So, Happy Holy Days to all of you!

Merry Christmas!

2007-12-20 02:59:14 · 17 answers · asked by Stranger In The Night 5 in Religion & Spirituality

It is made of cloth - that is why it is called a "cloth cutting glove".

2007-12-20 02:58:48 · 1 answers · asked by coreydsaragon 2 in Languages

What did you get from secret santa?????

I got a red sparkly, sequinney "it's gettin hot in here" thong.....

2007-12-20 02:57:21 · 17 answers · asked by cmcconnachie2000 3 in Christmas

I now a family who lost their chid because of woman ' depretion and our governoment do not called them a family to get an amesty like other familes .Is this humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-12-20 02:55:46 · 11 answers · asked by kadi e 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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