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Society & Culture - 28 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

I am what Xians call a "non-believer". However, I have wondered that if Angels do indeed exist and more importantly if they are jealous of us Humans. I ask this because supposedly the Xian god gave us free will and many of us "choose" not to obey "his" will.

2007-07-28 09:16:43 · 5 answers · asked by alisonriann 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-28 09:13:47 · 12 answers · asked by captbullshot 5 in Mythology & Folklore

"In a vast sea of misery there is paradise in the horizon."---

2007-07-28 09:13:39 · 30 answers · asked by icyhott4urmind 1 in Religion & Spirituality

You know the type...Jesus, Abu, Osama, Manson, etc. Not that they'res anything wrong with a beard, these guys just seem to give facial hair a bad reputation and I'd like to know why they are compelled to wearing one.

2007-07-28 09:13:32 · 9 answers · asked by Raging Tranny 7 in Other - Cultures & Groups

why can we tell jokes about Irish Scottish Welsh English Americans, people with afflictions but not F#####G muslims?
Is it me that's wrong??????

2007-07-28 09:12:18 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

1. What is sin?
2. What kinds of sins are there?
3. What is the worst sin?
4. What do you believe about the punishment for sin?
5. Will God punish some sins yet allow others?
6. What effect if any does sin have on your life?

2007-07-28 09:05:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Homosexuals have a higher suicide rate. Some are still in the closet and can't handle being gay. If they hated being gay so much and couldn't handle it, why not chose to be heterosexual agian instead of killing themselves?

(I'm gay)

2007-07-28 09:02:03 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Frankly and honestly answer this question,dnt give politically correct answers...just write ur heart out..such an answer wud be chosen as best....
and plz put on star if u like this question.

2007-07-28 08:57:29 · 21 answers · asked by Answer Freak 3 in Religion & Spirituality

i can speak english and spanish...but i really wanna learn portuguese!!...how many languages can u speak and how did u learn them and when??!!! thanks...gracias and obrigada!! hehe ; D

2007-07-28 08:52:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

A friend of mine and her husband and daughter came to house for dinner the other nite, before dinner my friend came to me and didn't want me to pray before dinner, she had confessed to me that she had not yet taught her 5 year old how to pray. This distured me and said, we always pray and we will be praying tonite. She really never told me why she didn't, and her husband bowed his head, and she refused to talk to me now, did I do something wrong?

2007-07-28 08:51:06 · 16 answers · asked by flannelpajamas1 4 in Religion & Spirituality

some times, usually at night, i hear a voice that calls my name, and i wake up, some times is male, some times female, does this mean anything. i live by my self so...

2007-07-28 08:48:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

If you are a skeptical person, read this with an open mind.

Greys, Reptilians, Nordics, are all reported to be seen everywhere on the earth, however, sightings of aliens diddn't start until the 1800's. I for one have spent alot of time looking into the evidence, watching videos, reading eyewitness accounts, and they all lead up to one of the tree aliens:

Greys - The popular 4 foot tall, grey, big headed, slanted eye alien. These make up 75 percent of all aliens sighted in the united states alone.

Reptillians - Humanoid aliens with reptile features such as scales and reptile eyes.

Nordics - 7 foot tall aliens that look mostly like scandanavian humans, their women are reported to be very beautiful.

If the bible tells the stories of god, why doesn't it mention alien races? There is mountains of evidence, photos, videos and reports to back up aliens, so why wasn't their creation written in the bible?

2007-07-28 08:45:35 · 19 answers · asked by Tanjo22 3 in Religion & Spirituality

What's up with people on here going around preaching that those having one-night-stands and group sex have no morals or respect for their bodies?

Who are you to pass your judgment on other people who choose not to believe in the same way as you do? As long as the person is an adult, knows his needs at any time, knows to use protection - what is wrong wit having some fun? Who are you to judge him/her? Do you blindly follow people's opinion as pass them as the truth?

I've never seen such closed-mindedness on the LGBT section before. Why is this happening now?

2007-07-28 08:43:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

The Torah doesn’t prohibit Polygamy, example: Moses had two wives, Abraham had two wives, and Solomon had 700 ungodly wives. Nevertheless, if Jesus did prohibit polygamy, why Judaism, the Mormons, and the Moslems do?

2007-07-28 08:43:43 · 11 answers · asked by Zimrari 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-28 08:43:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

2007-07-28 08:43:09 · 40 answers · asked by bebe s 1 in Religion & Spirituality

besides the library, and how do you get it from limewire

2007-07-28 08:40:57 · 3 answers · asked by hola 2 in Mythology & Folklore

sorry that i asked this earlier i really need to know and can u like explain it to me what the religion does?

2007-07-28 08:40:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I just watched a video, which i now added to my blog(link below), and it made me feel bad about how i cant do alot of things. it is of three friends who were adventurous and skiied, paddled, and surfed all in one day. I was born with Spina Bifida, and although I can walk, there are alot of things I cant just go and do. like i cant swim, so i couldnt do the surfing like those three friends did. i wish i could just be spontanous and have fun, it sucks that life has to be so much more challenging for me. i always have to think "can i do this, is there a bathroom there(i have bathroom issues)" before i go places. it causes me to be fearful of doing many things! does anyone else disabled here feel this? how can i get over this and live like those three people???
my blog with the video: http://www.brightideasofateenager.blogspot.com

2007-07-28 08:40:03 · 12 answers · asked by Lauren 5 in People with Disabilities

From a recent thread:

"Yes, let us hold up the Beatles as a fine example of how to live your life. One was gunned down, One can not enjoy lasting relationships with women, Another was reduced to a small bit on children's shows and the fourth you never hear of. They may have their worldly wealth, but God silenced them as a group from spreading any additional blasphemy."

So . . . God shot John Lennon? Man, and to think people think the Norse godhs are tough!

2007-07-28 08:33:59 · 13 answers · asked by Boar's Heart 5 in Religion & Spirituality

The Roman Catholic Church at Vatican II said that Christians, Muslims and Jews share the faith of Abraham.
These three main religions all have their roots in Abraham in some way. But do Muslims understand Allah the same way Jews understand God? Do Muslims share belief in the Trinity as Christians do? No!
Although there are connections with Abraham, the ancient Jews, and the belief in ONE GOD, all three religions understand that God differently.
What Vatican II says about Muslims and Jews are correct. But we know that there are different beliefs concerning, Who God IS, what God has done, and how he works in our lives.
Lets look at Jesus. Jews reject Jesus as the expected Messiah and are still waiting for the messiah to come. Muslims say that Jesus was not the Messiah and is definitely not God. (It says so in the Koran). Christians believe in 3 person and 1 nature in God -Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Se we clearly see God differently.

2007-07-28 08:30:49 · 32 answers · asked by hossteacher 3 in Religion & Spirituality

My relationship actually stopped with my parents when I was 4 years old, I know some of you are asking how? My brother was born, and in those days the father didn't see the baby born, the nurse brought him out to my father and he held him up in the air and thanked God for his namesake. For the next few years of my life, I wasn't mistreated but wasn't told that I was loved. I moved far away when I was just 18. married at 26 had 3 child. I know you want to hear the point of this story, when my parents found out my brother was gay, now they wanted me to move back home. Claiming that my children would be there only Grandchildren, does any one out there know how I am feeling at that point in my life? And what would you have all done?

2007-07-28 08:30:06 · 19 answers · asked by flannelpajamas1 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Disclaimer: I do not believe in any religion or any deity. I am atheist.

Don't you guys think that religion is a good thing, generally speaking? Don't you think it is a good way to control the masses? After all, not every person is smart enough to come up with their own morals without the threat of punishment in the after life. Without religion, the world would plummet into chaos. Of course there are the downsides to religion, making certain things immoral, which really aren't, causing extremism, genocide, and wars, but don't you think that a religion, which lacked those problems would be a good thing for the world's population as a whole?

2007-07-28 08:28:50 · 28 answers · asked by Dido 4 in Religion & Spirituality

will you belive? or will you turn?

2007-07-28 08:27:01 · 24 answers · asked by john constantine 2 in Religion & Spirituality

So, most of us know how EVP is captured, and how it can be heard when it's captured with a device and played back.

Well, I was curious on the capture of EVP sounds with devices other than the recorders and such.... can hearing aids capture EVP? Can cochlear implants capture EVP?

Is it possible?

2007-07-28 08:25:20 · 5 answers · asked by curiouschristy 2 in Religion & Spirituality

A friend is having a backyard evening casual party of sorts. We were told we didnt need to bring anything, but I feel like I should especially since a lot of children including my own will be there. ANy suggestions?

2007-07-28 08:23:05 · 18 answers · asked by icedoodle 1 in Etiquette

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