I went to get blood tests taken today, & the receptionist was really bitchy. Having a bad attitude & telling me what I should've done in a rude way, & then when I explained why I couldn't get certain things done, she just straight IGNORED the piss out of me. & not only that, she was too lazy to replace gloves in between clients. She used the same right hand glove on the girl before me as she used on me & she used her bare hand (the left hand) & I think I saw blood on the glove with the right hand, but it may have not been blood. I was afraid that if I told her something about it, she probably would've gotten 10 times more rude. & she was so lazy that after she Xeroxed my photo ID, she asked me to spell my name, rather than just simply looking on the Xeroxed copy. & she tried to make fun of & insult my name.
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