some people cant work due to illness so what would happen to them?
2007-06-29 08:19:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes but the problem in the U.K. is that migrant labour are now taking all the jobs we unskilled used to be able to get, and this is being encouraged by the Blair-Brown government.They seem to want British citizens to be work-shy layabouts.
Today there is already evidence that many employers, particularly in the Hospitality business like Hotel and catering work, will not now accept a British citizen to do such jobs as hotel porter! They can pay a Pole or Rumanian less and so make more profit and get harder workers that way they contend. So British people can not find work when they need a job so just stay on the dole or invalidity benefiit . Once somebody has got used to a life of laziness it is hard to get back into work routine again and nicer just staying in bed.
Meanwhile the money all the Poles, Estonians, Rumanians and other migrants get paid doees not go into the UK economy but is sent back to their own country, and the knock-on effect is going to be more and more Brits will be unable to find a job so will have to go on the dole, meaning those of us in work will have to pay even higher taxes.
The solution would seem to be to chuck out Brown, and vote for a Party that will pull UK out of the EU and so stop the freee movement of labour so representing the interests of Britain, not the interests of citizens of former Soviet Bloc nations! Then YES, stop benefits and make workshy Brits work or starve.
2007-06-29 08:43:41
answer #2
answered by cimex 5
Yes, i cant agree more. This world is getting sooooo fat and lazy. People don't want to work when they can fake an injury and make excuses for themselves. I know where i live there are mentally challenged people that work. They grab the carts at our local grocery store. Yet a perfectly fit person will BS the system and do well. My husband works like crazy for $8h and gets no hand outs.
If they scraped the system people would have no choice but to ask mom or dad or bug some other family member for money. Last resort would be for them to get a job, or steal. Then end up in jail with others, and we still take care of them. LOL. see life is not fair eh?
2007-07-07 07:35:01
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The thing is you would still be working 40+ hours a week but the only difference would be that there would be a lot of starving children, people living in poverty, higher mortality rate, higher crime rate, gang warfare, ghettos, a larger gap between the haves and have-nots, and civil unrest. How does a man go out and get a job if he's wearing rags, smells, has to take his kids along with him, hasn't eaten a solid meal in a week, is depressed, ill, and angry with society? The money we pay the unemployed is actually good value for money overall. You want to get onto the Queen, military, and the fatcats. That's where all our money goes.
2007-07-05 09:53:39
answer #4
answered by Wulfruna 3
GOOD QUESTION...If you wish to scrap the welfare state, for a madness of hell, that will surely one day, be delivered to you. Then you can ask your question again. Thank god, for the welfare state, and it's benefit. You have to be in need, or incapacitated to qualify. Not everyone feels the need to own a house, boat, and a fleet of cars. Some just take each day as it comes. Some have so much money, they are practically insane. Some, get a little help, with top up benefits. Some are too proud too ask. Some have a dream, whilst others moan. Some, Some, Some, and then Some son.
2007-07-05 01:51:57
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i have3 been looking 4 work for over 3 years!i am not fussy, i have applied for cleaning jobs, scrubbing public toilets, even Macdonald's, i am over qualified for all these jobs i am fully qualified with 10 GCSE passes, and college diplomas would do anything to work, but i cannot because pig headed employers wont give me a chance just because i have kids. so, if benefits were scrapped, what would i do then? live on the streets with no belongings and no money? i have no other family alive and i was born in england am an English citizen, and am a British passport holder, so could not be sent back to ''my own country'' as i am sure some people would suggest. so please tell me what i could do with out my measly £80 per week i get to feed, cloth, wash, keep warm and safe myself and 2 kids? if you want o know how i can afford a computer, this happens to be my friends, who house i visit regularly to view THE JOBS WEBSITES! please think before you class all benefits claimers all as Vikky pollards, this is not metaphoracly speaking this is my life laid bare in front of you, if you can see a way out please, let me know!
2007-06-29 08:30:34
answer #6
answered by M 3
At my place, if you are ill you go on light duties, or reduced hours whilst ill, they look after you but are not paying you for nothing. My brother in law is severely handicapped but well educated and has finally landed a role teaching.
So again, disabled or not, most people are capable of performing some role. If they are too poorly, fine, benefits it is. But for all the beer swiggin drug taking inbreds knocking out feral kids by the dozen who cannot be arsed to work stop the benefits and if they get uppity, shoot the malingering scum. Get a job you nonces!
2007-06-29 08:23:47
answer #7
answered by Kevin B 2
I f benefits were scrapped do you honestly believe that your wage packet would go up. I don't think so! We already live in a world of greed and plenty, do you think persecuting the needy is the right thing to do. The benefits we get are a drop in the ocean compared to the billions lost in tax fraud.
Those 'lazy' people are not exactly living the high life on the lowest proportionate benefits ever given to those that need support.
2007-06-29 08:27:07
answer #8
answered by Spiny Norman 7
We are the stupid ones for going out to work.
Yes, it should be scrapped. It should be there for emergencies and people who genuinely CANT work at all. We should adopt a system similar to switzerland where everyone is entitled to 3 years worth of benefits in a lifetime, once you have used up your 3 years you get nothing more.
There is no excuse either for someone to be seeking work for any longer than a year.
2007-07-02 01:03:46
answer #9
answered by Catwhiskers 5
When we think of the benefits system, we often think of the poor. However, many of us benefit with such programs such as WIC, family leave act, disability leave act, and tax credit programs. Many donate to social or charitable organizations not only out of the kindness of their hearts but provide themselves with tax relief. The number of bankruptcies (a definite economic handout) are highest among middle class and upper middle class individuals and families.
Yes, there are some people who are scrapping the system. In their cases (I am not talking about the disabled or those who need it temporarily), they are trading a better life. We all have to work to make our lives better.
2007-07-06 06:54:30
answer #10
answered by Denise 3
I used to think like that, but recently my brother who was working 50-60 hours a week had meningitis and nearly died. He cannot drive or work for 6 months because of the seizures he had with it. He is having to get food stamps and medicaid to feed himself and take care of doctor visits, medications etc. I believe it is neccesary for people like him. Now people who have been doing it for years and are perfectly healthy, should'nt be allowed to stay on it that long. Just think about if it were you or a close friend or family member of yours, would'nt you want the help to be there if it was needed?
2007-06-29 08:22:11
answer #11
answered by curious 2