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Society & Culture - 18 June 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

But atually devoted more than half of his life to religion! while setting the foundations of modern math, physics, astronomy and optics.

Why was he not an atheist considering that atheists have been with us from the beginning, always in miniscule numbers ?

Epicurus, Democritus, and Lucretius were ancient atheist writers.
(Epicurus put forward the theory of "materialism": The only things that exist are bodies and the space between them. Epicurus taught that the soul is also made of material objects, and so when the body dies the soul dies with it. There is no afterlife.)

2007-06-18 15:02:41 · 22 answers · asked by defOf 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I just open to whatever it opens to (why I am using a hand held Bible and not my computer I don't know). It comes up to Ephesians 6 and I look directly at the "subtitle" Armor of God. So I read it and pray about it and I am just not sure why God led me there. But I finally fealt that I should turn to Revelation. I read the first four chapters and the one thing that continued to stick out at me was after John wrote to each church there was promises all saying that if you overcome then something will happen. I interpreted all this to mean that I need to ensure that I am protected by the Armor of God so that I can weather the storm that I am soon to face. What do you all think.

2007-06-18 15:01:59 · 28 answers · asked by Joel 2 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-18 15:01:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

All day I have seen fundie after fundie answers.

Please restore my faith in mankind. PLease, if you are an intelligent Christian please speak up.

2007-06-18 15:01:00 · 27 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 in Religion & Spirituality

And yet ignore verses that decree no eating of shellfish (Leviticus 11:10, the same book that contains anti-gay verses, also says eating shellfish is abominable)

And ignore verses condeming a woman speaking in church (1st Corinthians 14:33-35 says women should be silent in church, be submissive to their husbands and ask questions at home)

Reminds me of the with hunts... "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" (Exodus 22:18) was the basis for murdering a multitude of presumed witches...

So what is it that makes these verses that presumably condemn homosexuality worth quoting and enforcing?

2007-06-18 15:00:44 · 11 answers · asked by request6 . 1 in Religion & Spirituality

My husband's ex is on welfare and has been for 5 years. He has shared parenting of his 2 children with her, but he still has to pay her child support. Even though he pays little, $45 a week, that is all she has lived on for 5 years along with her welfare. She owns 2 computers, with internet, makes paymenst on a 98 Durango, and smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day. How has the system gone wrong??

2007-06-18 15:00:34 · 15 answers · asked by babydollbeauty 2 in Other - Society & Culture

Ok I have been researching and researching. This is the way that it flows. Our common ancestor is my Great-Grandma. She is my Great-grandma, and Her Grandma. What does that make us? From what I've read it should be 2nd cousins once removed, is that right?

2007-06-18 14:58:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

The Bible is silent on the method of Baptism of Jesus. The earliest pictoral reference to His Baptism shows John the Baptist pouring water over Jesus' head with a pitcher. The earliest written reference to Baptism is the Didache and it allows pouring and immersion. The Greek word for Baptism means to wash yet some people erroneously believe it means immersion. This is a clear case of eisegesis when people assume that Jesus was Baptized by immersion.

2007-06-18 14:57:56 · 16 answers · asked by cristoiglesia 7 in Religion & Spirituality

like: eating anything and everything, no school, cartoons

2007-06-18 14:57:30 · 11 answers · asked by donut 2 in Other - Society & Culture

What would your reaction be? The person of authority fortunately did not believe the other person, but I felt a strong urge to get back at her. I'm pretty upset because I do not use that word and that this person knows I did nothing wrong so she had to make something up because she doesn't like me. I have done nothing bad - in fact, I left her a note saying I wanted to call a truce. If she made up a false story about me using that word, do you think it's because deep down inside her she thinks I am a racist? Or do you think it's just the worst thing she could say about me to get me in trouble? I don't really know how I should feel about this.

2007-06-18 14:56:57 · 7 answers · asked by Mrs. Maintenance 4 in Other - Society & Culture

It seems that when an actor asks a question, hundreds and even thousands will answer it no matter how boring and mundane it is, or how many times it's already been asked. Are people really such sheep? Matt Dillon probably thinks so. Thanking you in advance, "Armenian."

2007-06-18 14:56:25 · 13 answers · asked by Dirk Johnson 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Why do you espouse a doctrine of meaninglessness and then live as if there is meaning to life? You claim there is no one to judge our actions, yet you are quick to make judgements, assign blame, and express vindictiveness for evil. (such as 9/11)

You are the star witness that there is a God. For you deny the Lawgiver but still live life as if there is a law.

2007-06-18 14:56:17 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

it wouldn't be that hard for the writers of the bible to develop Jesus story to match the prophecies, so how can that be a reason to believe Jesus. If you say that that there was witnesses who witnessed Jesus fulfilling the prophecies, where is your proof that these witnesses existed?

I'm Christian by the way just wondering how you would answer these questions.

2007-06-18 14:54:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

you know, remember when everything wasn't so modern and technological. And neighbors actually talked to eachother over the fence. The neighborhood kids played outside until they were called in for dinner. And people didn't hide in their houses locked with ADT. And they didn't need the t.v to tell them what the weather was. instead you could just go outside and watch the sunset. And kids walked to school without clutching their precious cell phones. and they didn't have to worry about any maniac rapist pediphile's. It's just not the same........and I have the feeling it will only get worse. But those days were the best.

2007-06-18 14:53:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I am athiest and my hubby is baptist.. I mean i dont mind the once in awhile convo of what ppl believe in at all... But i cant take it every time he opens his mouth it is all i hear... it is driving me crazy. I do like him as a person and he used to not be like that.... he has always known what i believe and i dont think he is trying to change that..... I have had enough and i dont want to hear it anymore... i want to tell him but i dont want to be rude......cause he is a good friend of my hubbys but i think it is starting to get on his nerves as well..... what should i do???

2007-06-18 14:51:43 · 23 answers · asked by misty p 2 in Religion & Spirituality


2007-06-18 14:51:37 · 36 answers · asked by Shawn B 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Caesari omnia uno tempore erant agena
it means "by caesar every one time (they) had to be done"

which word is omnia modifying? and can you maybe decline that word?

2007-06-18 14:50:48 · 2 answers · asked by Accidental x Love 2 in Languages

Was it in the book of Acts when Jesus ascended into heaven?

2007-06-18 14:49:51 · 19 answers · asked by Sandy S 2 in Religion & Spirituality

The Bible clearly states that people once lived to be hundreds and hundreds of years old. I know this happened, I'm not doubting that. All I'm wondering is why can't we live that long now?

2007-06-18 14:49:02 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

He said he meant to do it a little because he was getting frustrated with me but he really hurt me and didn't even say sorry until I made a big deal about it. I'm curious, is this abusive behavior?

2007-06-18 14:45:23 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous 1 in Etiquette

The Bible talks about the person who will settle world wars and will bring the entire world in to one nation and he will be known as the Anti-christ. Do you thingk he is born yet and is there a person like a ruler of a nation or just some one you thingk who will be the Anti-christ.

2007-06-18 14:42:52 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Not on the internet please

2007-06-18 14:41:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

2007-06-18 14:39:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It makes no sense al all. Why ask the question if your able to identify an answer to be the best answer. If your able to identify the answer, then you already knew what you wanted the outcome of your question to be.. Or perhaps the thought was in the back of one's mind when asking the question to what they wanted to hear, which in fact only states one thing. Those people asking the questions are only looking for an excuse to continue doing what they were so confused about to begin with.

2007-06-18 14:38:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I want to say: "I understand a little bit of japanese".
How could I say that??

2007-06-18 14:37:28 · 10 answers · asked by amelie 3 in Languages

did i miss the conference call or something

2007-06-18 14:36:14 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

A conductor inside a neutrino accelerates at half the speed of light. It pulls a string of tachyon particles through a wormhole and elongates the anti matter until it snaps and ricochets off of a spectrum and explodes in a frenzy of photon particles. It unleashes an electromagnetic eruption that reverses the poles, slows the Earth’s rotation, and pulls the moon 50 miles closer to earth. If the conductor is still alive, what color is his shirt?

2007-06-18 14:36:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

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