I think you should be gently honest with this guy. It would be much more unkind of you to not say anything. It can be a really hard thing to say to someone, so maybe you and your husband can talk it over and decide what to say together.
Probably, your friend has recently discovered his faith, so I would be gentle because I wouldn't want to discourage him in his walk.
If you can talk about this all with him honestly, then you will do more good for your friendship than if you say nothing.
2007-06-18 14:59:08
answer #1
answered by yarn whore 5
Listen to this person who obviously is too overjoyed with the love and life of Christ in him to stay quiet. He sounds like a good friend who truly cares about you so much that he doesn't want you to die in your sins. If you still claim you are an atheist, he knows that after you physically die, you will go to hell and he who he is assured of heaven will never see you again. If your hubby is a born again baptist who follows Jesus, then your hubby knows this. I'm surprised that hubby is bothered by the truth that could possibly open your heart to Jesus. If you would truly listen, then maybe he would know he's done his part and ease up, but it is very hard not to spread the JOY!! Not many have such caring friends. Your gain. God bless
2007-06-18 15:07:10
answer #2
answered by connie 6
Tell him that even God respects your free will, and that unless he is greater than God than he should back off a bit. But tell him in a polite way. Usually when people try to win your soul for Christ, they don't mean anything bad, and they are just doing it out of genuine care. People still find it rude and annoying, but I don't think they have cruel intentions. Usually when someone tries to convert me to their religion or denomination, I thank them for loving me enough to care about my spiritual well being (because, many people believe that if you don't believe like they do, that you'll go to hell... so taking their line of thought into consideration, I personally don't find it an insult). But yes, it can be annoying. Just say thank you. It's your choice, and I can't blame him for trying, but in the end it really is your decision and he has to respect that you have a right to your decision.
2007-06-18 15:03:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
talk about spirituality and how one "god" cant control everything and there are multiple powers in this universe and that how u dont go arround shoving that idea into ppl's heads. christianity to me seems like a product or something because all christians that i know are always trying to 'sell' it trying to explain how good it is and how this and that and even on talk radios about relegion they keep saying the word 'jesus' over and over again. its pretty sad in a way because relegion is something you should feel yourself without someone shoving the idea in ur head and telling you if u dont do something right you will go to hell or be punished and other bull shi_t. why cant they think of how spirituality works and that u dont really need to feel obligated to be in a huge room every sunday when all u have on your mind is going home and screwing you girl friend or having a few drinks. so yeah just try to explain him ur philosophy and make him feel really uncomfortable it should help :)
2007-06-18 15:03:27
answer #4
answered by AJ 2
No, enable him determine his way out, provide him time, yet while this keeps for too long and he's oftentimes used together with his nervousness is purely too obtrusive, ask him if he needs to talk to u approximately some thing, of ask if alls ok and if u can help. from time to time revealing someones inner fears isn't the least confusing element to declare to anybody, it is going to easily finally end up him brushing u away sayin no longer something and gettin greater tensed, pray a wish for him on the main for him
2016-09-28 01:42:50
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Don't be afraid of him, get some common sense knowledge, then test him, put the ball in your court, then he will stop. Ask him what religion is the best? Where did the people get the Bible information? How did they Know the devil wasn't talking them? Ask stuff like this and he'll leave skid marks.
2007-06-18 15:05:02
answer #6
answered by spir_i_tual 6
Rude, Schmude....Ask this guy flat out if he is trying to convert you and relay your feelings in a direct manner. Chances are if he is a fundamentalist, he has no respect for you until you "get saved"...until then you are a poor ignorant fool. Blast him.
Is your hubby encouraging him????
2007-06-19 11:23:19
answer #7
answered by neuromansuperhero 2
"George, I really appreciate your enthusiasm for your faith. It's nice to know a person who is not apathetic. But, you know, we used to talk about other things, too. Do you remember? I miss that. I miss the conversations we used to have. Could we try to get some of that back?"
2007-06-18 14:57:58
answer #8
answered by Linda R 7
Try listening to him, even if you don't want to.....ask him a few questions about some religion thing that you think is interesting.
2007-06-18 15:30:19
answer #9
answered by Nancie 2
Listen, It may actually be God's way of talking to you.
God Bless.
2007-06-18 14:59:52
answer #10
answered by Brilliant 1forHIM 5