i miss it ! im only 28 , but hey i there was no mtv, windows, xbox, dvd, cd, digital cable, cell phones, i can go on forever!
oh yeah and no condos on my beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i sure miss those days.. the thing to do was get off your but and skate , swim , bike , draw, read.
2007-06-18 14:58:44
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You bet I miss them......working in the fields all day and then playing til dark and then catching lightning bugs til bed time.....with the parents sitting on the porch talking while we played. Later, going inside and lighting the kerosene lamp so we could see to get into bed. Awakening when dawn broke in the East.
Times were hard but lives were much more simple with very few worries of the world. NO TV and a battery powered radio. The battery pack was made up of something like 24 or 36 D cells which wouldn't last very long. So the radio wasn't played except for the news and the Grand Ole Opry.
Ahhhhh......so it was. Pops
2007-06-18 15:03:22
answer #2
answered by Pops 6
the place replaced into this surplus at? The nationwide debt larger each twelve months below Clinton, so the place replaced into this further money? He did not decrease taxes and he did not pay down debt. answer: there replaced into no surplus. It replaced right into a projected surplus if his unreasonable plans were observed for some years. all of us can decrease aside investment for significant issues then declare that if quite everyone following them sticks to the plan the funds would be balanced with surplus. My 401k replaced into doing super up till this previous twelve months. in actuality, the inventory marketplace ordinary is plenty larger than while Bush initially took place of work. on condition that the inventory marketplace is a fraud besides (impacted only with the aid of what human beings think of got here approximately or could ensue particularly than the reality), that may not too shabby. It replaced into around 9880 in Jan 2001 and that is around 11430 right this moment. it would be intense high quality to do away with bin encumbered yet he's by using die quickly besides. taking photos bin encumbered isn't approximately revenge. that is approximately struggling with a helpful terrorist chief. although that replaced into then. Now i'm particularly confident that he's not doing plenty previous crawling around waiting to die. There are extra significant issues occurring interior the worldwide now in my opinion. The "good circumstances" for the duration of Clinton have been with the aid of a minimum of one subject on my own, the extensive tech growth. As that settled, the financial device started falling with the aid of fact of all the human beings that went overboard making an investment in tech businesses.
2016-11-25 22:47:48
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Pedophiles were always there -- we just didn't have the internet access to the sex offender registry during the good 'ol days, and the pedophiles didn't have the internet (which makes them easier to catch).
Everything else is the same as it ever was. In my neighborhood anyway. I literally just got in from talking to my neighbor over the fence, kids are still out running around the neighborhood, and none of them had cell phones. Otherwise, the good 'ol days are just nostalgia for an age that never existed. Or maybe people don't remember how bad the good 'ol days were.
2007-06-18 14:56:12
answer #4
answered by Mickey Mouse Spears 7
Yes I'm 57 and I miss the good old days. Some of my favorite memories growing up in Tennessee were the old tire swing, catching June bugs and lightning bugs, and sipping nectar out of the honeysuckles on the vine. It always makes me mad when people ask what is wrong with children today. There is nothing wrong with children it is what the adults have done to them. They can't do anything like we used to do so freely. They can't play outside without the fear of some nut grabbing them. Sometimes they're not even safe at school or at church. The world is more modern, and it's going to heck in a handbag. Good old days where are you?
2007-06-18 15:03:39
answer #5
answered by Pearl 6
I miss the 1980's. I was born in 1970. The world wasn't too bad then. I wish we could go back to those days but then as a Christian the Lord's coming wouldn't be near. It seems like the world is getting worse by the day.
2007-06-18 15:00:51
answer #6
answered by blazek35 5
Ohhhh Yeessss. I do miss those days. You're right, it is going to get worse. Cherish your memories. I'm afraid that's all we have left. At least we have something good to talk about when reminiscing. I feel sad for the young people growing up today and the next generation. Wonder how their conversations will go when they are grown and speaking of the past.
2007-06-18 15:00:58
answer #7
answered by Vida 6
I miss those days...even though I wasn't there to experience it. My mom always tells me about those days and I can only wonder how nice they were...I especially love the part where kids played outside and never had much of a worry. My dad always told me about his time walking kilos to school...and once he took a snake to school and scared everyone out of class...lol, that's beside the question=)
2007-06-18 16:54:42
answer #8
answered by -♦One-♦-Love♦- 7
I do miss the old days, people werent a bunch of nuts who wanted to kidnap every child they see and the streets were safer to walk around on your own. in the old days we actually had no war and did not have to worry about family who could die over in that meaningless war.
2007-06-18 14:59:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I even miss the 90s. This decade just confuses the hell out of me, and I don't understand the music these whippersnappers are listening to these days.
2007-06-18 14:57:35
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Said best by Billy Joel, "The good ole days weren't always good and tomorrow ain't as bad is it seems."
2007-06-18 15:02:47
answer #11
answered by thezaylady 7