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2007-06-18 14:51:37 · 36 answers · asked by Shawn B 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

ETPilot, I am hetero, but you can obviously see many of them don't get it.
I didn't wake up one day and think: ...hmmmm... I choose women.

2007-06-18 14:58:07 · update #1

Connie, what would it be for homosexuals to go against their natures?

2007-06-18 15:03:11 · update #2

bigirv, point being it's not a choice and neither is homosexuality. Sorry the question was above your head.

2007-06-18 15:08:14 · update #3

Diet-Smartie, my point exactly, look at all the dishonest answers.

2007-06-18 15:10:58 · update #4

Axel, I'm sorry it's something you had to choose. What were you before?

2007-06-18 15:12:18 · update #5

ediddy, there is nothing that relates heterosexuality to a gene. Nice try.

2007-06-18 15:14:17 · update #6

36 answers

I think this question is to point out that we do not choose our sexuality. Gay people do not choose to be gay no more than heterosexuals choose to be heterosexual. I did not one day in my childhood say, "You know, I am choosing to be attracted to girls." Anyway, that's not the point. Choice or not, there is nothing right or wrong with either sexual preference. Other answers have said that people choose to be heterosexual because god wants it that way. So, if we knew there were no god to judge us, would more people decide to be gay? I don't think so, it is just how we turn out. The only reason people think being gay is wrong is because of some passages in the bible. However, the bible has a LOT (pun intended) of strange stuff in it that most people now would disagree with. Some people have made the argument that if everyone were gay, the human race could not continue to exist, so being gay is immoral. However, by that reasoning, it would be immoral to be impotent, or to be mentally disabled, or to have a terminal illness. Sorry for ranting, but I feel I need to defend homosexuals from a society of bigots.

2007-06-18 15:06:41 · answer #1 · answered by hammerthumbs 4 · 1 0

Okay, not really an answer, I just love this. I am a hetero, but seriously, you are correct in asking this. Not many hetero people would look twice at a question of who chose to be gay, it is widely accepted that it is a choice, like what lunch meat to put on your sandwich, or wich shampoo suites you best. Thank you for bringing this subject to attention in such a clever and positive manner.

2007-06-18 14:55:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think a very interesting fact to note is, homosexuality is a choice, not a behavior because there is no medical anything, that relates homosexuality to a gene. Also, important to note, is researchers and psychologist found that the average homosexual, is a little boy running around without the love of his father. Most homosexual men, never had, or had a very corrupt or poor relationship with their father. That does NOT say, anyone who does not have a father or had a bad relationship with their father will be or is a homosexual, but it does stress the very importance of a father in the household. This goes for both men and women. The very love a homosexual was deprived of by their father or mother, they search for often in the same sex as that of the one they were deprived of.

2007-06-18 15:06:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Cr*p! I understand your frustration. I'm straight but have many gay friends who have to put up with that sort of ignorance everyday. I mean, if homosexuality was as accepted as heterosexuality I could maybe understand why people think it's a choice but nobody would "choose" a life where they knew they would be greeted with intolerance everyday. It just doesn't make good sense.

2007-06-18 15:03:22 · answer #4 · answered by Diet_smartie 4 · 2 0

I didn't choose. Like you, I was born a heterosexual and just stayed that way. By doing so, my problems are not near what a homosexual's are and will be. What happened to you? Pops

2007-06-18 14:55:41 · answer #5 · answered by Pops 6 · 0 0

well in a world that is 90 percent Gay,

you do know that the homosexual agenda is recruiting at adpotion agencies and in our schools right?

I chose to be a social non-conformalist. and put myself at the mercy of the social order which i rejected. now i worry about being pulled over by the cops because my wife and i are just trying to get legally married, and some have a problem with that. but what can you do. after my friends Prayed me straight
i feel that it is my duty to be a good little "Breeder". and further populate this world that is so in need of more humans. the species is in danger of dieing out, and it is our responsibility to make more babies to keep us the dominent race on the planet.

2007-06-18 15:00:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Nice try, but comparing heterosexuality to homosexuality is off-base.

It's obvious that heterosexuality is not a choice because, humanity being male and female, that's the way we are meant to be.

As for homosexuals, is it a choice? Who knows, but whether it's a choice or not, it's definitely a disordered condition.


2007-06-18 15:00:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Any number of things. Chief among them, a desire to marry someday and have a family. A desire for the sexual gratification and the devotion to each other in making that child happen. A desire to raise that child right and love that kid because it comes from not just me, but her too.

A desire to choose this over just sexual gratification that results in nothing and just causes disease and death. Look at Rosie O'Donnell. She has made her choice and it is clearly not paying any dividends for her.

Also, the pain and fear of something that large going into my rectum.

2007-06-18 14:58:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i do no longer would desire to desert what I never had interior the 1st place, as a results of fact God does no longer create a individual with gay needs. The Bible tells us that persons replace into homosexuals as a results of fact of sin (Romans a million:24-27) and ultimately as a results of fact of their own determination. a individual may well be born with a much better susceptibility to homosexuality, purely as some all people is born with an inclination to violence and different sins. that does no longer excuse the guy’s picking to sin via giving in to sinful needs. If a individual is born with a much better susceptibility to anger/rage, does that make it perfect for him to furnish into those needs? of direction no longer! the comparable is genuine with homosexuality.

2016-09-28 01:42:43 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It wasn't a choice, it's just the way I am. Everyone is different. I didn't choose to have brown eyes, I just have them. I don't choose who I love, I just do. Just as everyone else does. What does it matter who someone loves? All that matters, is that they love them, and that is what makes life worth living, love. Love is blind, it doesn't see gender, race, background, it just is....and it's a beautiful thing.

2007-06-18 15:00:24 · answer #10 · answered by Victoria G 3 · 1 1

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