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Society & Culture - 1 February 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Gandi was a Hindu.
Gandi was not baptized
Gandi did not accept Jesus as His Lord and Saviour

2007-02-01 19:25:41 · 19 answers · asked by Born again atheist 3 in Religion & Spirituality

What i mean is, If my last name is Wan, and someone random on the street just happens to have the same last name as me, does it mean that we are somehow related through our ancestor's roots. I just wonder how did my last name originate?

2007-02-01 19:24:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

Many christians tell me that the New Testament replaces the old testament and that the old blood sacrifices are no longer applicable. That I should "get out of the OT." If this is the case why not remove it from the bible or mark those passages which are no longer applicable, perhaps using green text.

I'm refering here to passages like Leviticus 1:15 where the steps required to kill a bird by wringing its head off are clearly defined.

2007-02-01 19:20:08 · 14 answers · asked by Rabble Rouser 4 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-02-01 19:16:59 · 16 answers · asked by michaelazajac 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Its not like there are neighborhoods were its all just gays that live there, like the ghetto's are considered black communities,suburban areas are somtimes called white neighborhoods or some such but I have never been to a place were its all gay people so why name them this.
There all just ordinary people.

2007-02-01 19:16:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

will god send me visons of what i want to know?

2007-02-01 19:14:25 · 18 answers · asked by michaelazajac 1 in Religion & Spirituality

In my guest bath cupboard there was a brand new unopened pack of six medium size towels. After a lunch for some thirty people the pack was gone. I havent said anything to anyone. However since the whole pack was large and heavy I doubt if somebody would actually walk off with it in their arms. Two of the guests came with sports bags and one went in the bath with it. At the time I wondered why. Could it be she stole the towels carting them off in the sports bag? Just want your opinion. I dont think its worth raking up the issue but I shall be more careful next time.

2007-02-01 19:13:50 · 27 answers · asked by David M 3 in Etiquette

If Jehovah's Witnesses are the only "true Christians" on Earth, then why do they shun their own members if they have been disfellowshipped? If Christ taught "to love thy neighbor," then He surely meant it in good times and bad. If fellow members made a mistake (because lets face it, NOBODY in this world is perfect...the only perfect human being to ever step foot on the ground we walk on is Jesus Christ) then we are to FORGIVE them of their faults and to never abandon them but rather to embrace them with support, counsel, and love during their transgressions. The Lord would NEVER teach to abandon your own family because family is the central principle behind the purpose of the Gospel. Since we are ALL children of God (by the way, God's real name is NOT Jehovah - Jehovah is Jesus' name in the spirit world - Heavenly Father's real name is Elohim), we are to provide service, charity, love, and kindess to our own brothers and sisters and teach our families these principles as well.

2007-02-01 19:11:47 · 29 answers · asked by Jesus Is My Hero 1 in Religion & Spirituality

cop friend told me this. he said because a human can't hold #2 like #1. I don't believe it.

2007-02-01 19:11:46 · 3 answers · asked by Stie 1 in Other - Society & Culture

I'm just interested as there are always reports/surveys that show that 80% of Americans don't have a passport. Would be interested to know if that statistic is replicated here or holds only for the non computer literate areas of society.

2007-02-01 19:11:28 · 16 answers · asked by finchleyjohn 2 in Mythology & Folklore

what should do and what should not do in sexual reation or marital life.it should be in hindi.

2007-02-01 19:07:31 · 4 answers · asked by ashok k 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Has anyone ever found a lasting, meaningful relationship on that site?? Seems everyone just gets on it to screw.

2007-02-01 19:07:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

and on the other side there are people with a 'baby religion' telling you that it is mythical creatures/ Satan and demons, yet they don't believe in ALL the mythical creatures, just the ones their 'baby religion' copied from ancient Pagan religions and modified to suit their beliefs?

What in your opinion is Astral Travelling really, does a soul exist, or is it all in the mind?

2007-02-01 19:07:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i don't see why Christians cant believe in both evolution and Creation is it not posable that god created the first living things and then slowly changed them over time

2007-02-01 19:06:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I had red-tail appeared to me right next to my car eating a squirel. The hawk was in the street and I was the first to see it. It was raining and it did not fly away or attack me as I got close to it....It just stared at me and kept eating. I even took pictures of it and video. I was in a range of five to ten feet. I live in a suburbs and you only see them in the sky once in a while.

2007-02-01 19:04:07 · 9 answers · asked by Mickey 1 in Mythology & Folklore

Why don't people get English Humour? Why is it even called English humour? it is humour just like any other humour.. We are funny right??

Like a lot of our funny tv shows.. or comedians such as jimmy carr... noone gets it..

you odd people.. why don't you get us?????

2007-02-01 19:03:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I mean like cavemen didn't believe in God so when?

2007-02-01 19:02:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

CHICAGO - Decades after the civil rights movement's greatest victories, black youth often see a world rife with discrimination, a new survey says. And yet they remain optimistic about their chances for affecting social change.


Researchers at the University of Chicago, who were releasing the study Thursday, say their findings also show that these youth are complex when it comes to such issues as sex education and hip-hop music.

Cathy Cohen, a political science professor at the University of Chicago and the report's lead author, said the aim of the survey was to provide data that goes beyond broad stereotypes.

It found, for instance, that while 58 percent of black youth say they listen to rap music every day, the majority of them also think its videos are too violent and often portray black women in an offensive way.

"I enjoy rap music — I love hip-hop. I love totally different types of music," says Lauren Guy, a 24-year-old substitute teacher from Oak Park, Ill., who participated in the survey. "What I don't like is how women are degraded in music and how violence is glorified."

The survey, which researchers call the Black Youth Project, details the responses of nearly 1,600 black, Latino and white participants, ages 15 to 25, from several Midwestern cities.

Their responses don't always paint a rosy picture about minorities' view of the country.

More than half of African-American and Latino respondents said they believe government officials care very little about them, while 44 percent of white youth said the same. Just over half of black youth also were the most likely to feel their education was, on average, poorer than that of white youth. About a third of whites agreed with that statement. And 61 percent of African-Americans who were surveyed said they feel held back by discrimination.

"It's a red flag, prompting us to talk about what needs to happen in this country to bring about true equality for young people in general — and especially vulnerable young people," Cohen said, referring not just to black young people, but to everyone from low-income youth to gay and lesbians.

While they see many social problems in the world, the survey indicated teens and young adults are optimistic about their chances of changing things for the better.

A large majority of youth in the survey believe, for instance, that they can make a difference by participating in politics — with 79 percent black and white youth and 77 percent of Latino youth saying they feel that way.

They're also using their spending power through "buycotts" — buying products because they like a company's social or political values. A quarter of black youth said they'd participated in a buycott in the last 12 months, while 23 percent of white youth and 20 percent of Hispanic youth said the same. Cohen said several of the respondents mentioned the Motorola (RED) campaign, aimed at helping fund the fight against AIDS in Africa.

Other survey findings included the following:

• About a third of black and Hispanic youth thought drugs, violence, gangs and crime were problems in their neighborhoods, compared with 10 percent of white youth;

• 59 percent of white youth report receiving care from a private doctor, while 40 percent of African-American youth and 39 percent of Hispanic youth say the same;

• 81 percent of white youth, 79 percent of Hispanic youth and 76 percent of black youth disagree with the government funding abstinence-only education;

• 76 percent of African-American youth, 74 percent of Hispanics and 68 percent of whites think condoms should be provided at high schools.

The study is unusual in that it spotlights a group that's often overlooked by social scientists.

"We sometimes get a little statistic here and there as a footnote to someone else's research," says Bakari Kitwana, the Cleveland-based author of "The Hip-Hop Generation: Young Blacks and the Crisis in African-American Culture."

"This is a study that puts young black kids at the forefront."

Initial interviews for the survey were completed between July and November 2005, with in-depth interviews carried out in 2006. Youth interviewed for the project were from Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, St. Louis and Gary, Ind.

The survey, which was funded by the Ford Foundation, has a margin of error of less than plus-or-minus 2 percentage points.

2007-02-01 19:02:21 · 9 answers · asked by brandley_1999 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

slap on the wrist? shot down to hell? made to go sit in the corner for a few hours? you cant say its impossible accourding to the bible it has already happened but they went to the extreme, im talking about a little sin or a medium sin nothing like the war they had

2007-02-01 18:59:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Can I recite the Quran while laying on a bed

2007-02-01 18:57:55 · 8 answers · asked by Tijjani Hammanjoda 1 in Religion & Spirituality

the United States. Is this normal? Who else feels the same as me?

2007-02-01 18:57:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I don't believe so, because if this is true-I WOULD NOT HAVE CHOSE IT. I ask God every night,"Why, why God, why was I born this way"? I am a nice person and I am alone, no girl wants me and I don't know why.My last girlfriend was abusive to me and I just keep praying that I will wake up from this horrible dream.

2007-02-01 18:56:55 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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